part 3 of Harry is an asshole and Y/N didn't know a prince could be so mean

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Words were unable to accurately describe how angry Harry was.

He tries to think of a moment where he was this mad before, but he has a hard time finding it; despite how he carries himself, and despite what people think of him, Harry's anger dissipates rather quickly. Something could piss him off, but unless it is a persistent nagging presence, Harry gets over it rather quickly. Being mad about shit was boring, draining, and not worth it unless the person his upset was directed toward truly deserved the brunt of his temper.

Edgar had always been an exception to that rule, but even then, it had never felt as consuming as this. Harry wondered why this offense, in particular, had gripped him – why it made rage bubble and burn deep in the pit of his gut. In the list of things Edgar had done to him, it seemed to pale in comparison. Hell, it wasn't like this specifically happened to Harry even. He could do his best to contribute this to his possessiveness, but even that makes very little sense, to how he felt when he heard Edgar had stolen the hairpin from Y/N. To how he feels now, as he waits for Edgar to finish in whatever bullshit meeting he was in with their father. To how the anger bubbles and simmers low in his gut while he paces around Edgar's room, muttering to himself, utilizing every bit of self-restraint he could muster to not barge into the meeting and demand Edgar tell him why the fuck he would do something so silly.

The thing was, Harry couldn't decide what he was most angry about. Was it the fact that Edgar had stolen the hairpin Harry had bought her? Or maybe it was that he had (or had sent someone to) dig around in her room while she was working tirelessly to appease the bastards taking advantage of her kindness? Or was Harry more so pissed off that he had given it to the member of the court, forged a story that she had been trying to sell it for money, and told the woman to find Harry to tell him as much? Or, could it just be the fact Edgar knew it would upset Harry – that it would cut at him in a way that made him find her and argue with her? What kind of friend does that to another friend? What kind of man, does that to someone they are supposed to care deeply for? Deep enough to tell Harry to stay away from them when they first met?

Edgar was jealous; Harry could taste in the air how much this was digging beneath his skin, but why? He bore no clear intentions to be with Y/N, and if Y/N had explicitly told him that Harry was not making her do anything awful (other than spending time with him), then what was the problem? Was it because it felt as if his pet was being taken away? As if the little pup he had tailing him, catering to his every beck and call, bending at his every wish, going out of her way to make his life easier – found a different home. Could he not sense how much she still truly cared for him? How could he not understand that no matter what, Edgar would always come out on top when it came to him and Harry – she was in love with him for fuck sake! So why go through the fucking theatrics of it? What was the point?

Above all things, however, Harry wonders why Edgar thought he'd get away with it. Harry may have been stupid enough to fall for it, but he's never been one not to scour for the truth if something wasn't adding up. Of course, Y/N would deny it – did he expect Harry not to hear her out at all? What did his brother think he was that he wouldn't even give her the benefit of the doubt? Especially with how much time they had spent together.

In the grand scheme, Harry had successfully pissed Edgar off as he had been wanting to from the start, but it almost didn't feel worth it now. Not when Y/N was clearly exhausted (which Harry wonders if it had something to do with Edgar as well), and the last thing she had seen and heard before passing out was Harry scolding her. The thought of her being confused and upset, and even scared in that moment, because of him? It sours his whole being – it makes Harry want to recoil. To stuff himself at her bedside and beg for her forgiveness – and that is very unlike him. Harry is a proud man, he rarely gets on his knees for much of anything, but right then, as he was pacing, plucking at his lip harshly and resisting the urge to destroy Edgar's belongings, he would have in a heartbeat.

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