Y/N has so many questions and Harry is intimidating, isn't he?

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(TW: mentions of suicide and potential murder) 


Y/N makes silly decisions sometimes.

A few come to mind. Moving in with a cute bloke she met junior year of college who had promised to love her through the "darkest nights and heaviest storms" or whatever crock of shit he had spoon-fed her at the time. It was silly that she settled for a secretarial job in an office that she hated endlessly so that they could live closer to the bar his band played at (where he made little to nothing). It had been very silly to purchase him a Fender Telecaster that cost more than she made in a paycheck because she'd been saving for something big since their third anniversary was coming up. It was even sillier of her to cry when she brought it to the bar to surprise him and found him in the makeshift green room with his prick tucked inside a pretty brunette. It wasn't silly for her to tell him to go fuck himself, but it was a bit silly to pack up her shit (including their cat, Marzipan), drive two hours north to an old town she used to visit when she was younger and set herself up in a motel for two nights while she gathered her bearings.

And it was silly for her to choose the first flat that she looked at just because her parents made a call into the landlord (they'd known him for years, apparently, and he would rush the process to help her since she was in her early 20s and had little to no credit history). Renting said flat, which had an unreliable heating system in the middle of a brutal winter was undoubtedly another one, and she's only reminded of that silliness when she must leave the little warmth her bedding provides to have a wee in the middle of the night – a fleeting thought of her landlord's promise that, while it may be finicky, it warmed up the bedroom well (that had been a lie, Y/N found out the first night) – but that silly decision had been the best at the time. All those silly decisions had been the best at the time.

She thinks that answering a Craigslist listing for a nanny position might be the silliest decision though.

Not only did she have very little experience with children, she wasn't even sure she liked them that much. And coupled with that potentially detrimental problem, this felt how most horror movies might begin, with an unsuspecting nanny and either children with sunken eyes and sentences that sound like murder mystery riddles, or dark, long hallways with bumps and creaks in the night. Hell, with Y/N's luck it might not even be a real child that she's meant to watch over, it'd be a porcelain doll and a man in the walls that move him around to scare her.

Plus, it was a Craigslist listing – she was practically begging to be in a horror film.

But it had been promising; the person who made the post was a man looking for someone to watch his 6-month-old son Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 7 PM for a hefty sum of money. Enough that she could pay her rent, get groceries, and save until she found out where she was going to go from here – from her silly, panicked decision to get as far away as possible to clear her head. And how hard could it be to nanny, really? A 6-month-old babbles, eats, pees, and maybe crawls around, right? She's sure she could figure it out... maybe they would be similar to Marzipan as a kitten, and Y/N was aces at being a kitten mom.

The town she had flown to was pretty small and is typically bustling with life during the warm months due to the close proximity of a popular, cold water beach. Green and blue hues variegated, clear water sloshing against the shore with sand as soft as sheep bellies. Rocks jutted out from the sea in big slabs of mossy stone, that separated the more open beaches, to closed-off private areas that were almost impossible to get to without dangerously climbing over the slippery rock. Y/N remembers being young and looking at it longingly, wanting nothing more than to see what was on the other side and have a whole sandbank to herself, away from the loud sounds of a packed oceanfront.

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