Harry is a grumpy mechanic and Y/N just can't stop talking

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Y/N would love to say she isn't sure how this happened.

She would love to, really, as she's sitting on the side of the road, her car doors locked and her heartbeat pounding soundly in her chest. Rain beat against her windshield like a mallet against a kettledrum, sheets of it pouring from the sky while thunder rumbled through the air, and lightning cracked through the sky. It was the kind of storm that Y/N typically wouldn't even consider driving in, but there had been no way around it; she was leaving her friend's place and didn't check the weather beforehand. At the first sight of lightning, she probably should have turned around and asked to stay the night, but she thought maybe she could be the storm if she drove a little quickly.

Apparently, a little quickly, was just the little push her car needed to give up. The 'check engine' light on her dashboard taunted her as her car slowly sputtered to a stop and she just barely pulled it out of the traffic. It glared at her, mocked her, blinked as if it were saying, "See, I told you months ago to get this thing looked at, and you ignored me! Serves you right to be in this situation."

The irritating thing was, she actually had gone to get it looked at! Made an appointment on her off day at 9 AM so she could get it over with, and had taken a good amount out of her savings because there would probably be a hefty fee involved. However, when the mechanic had told her that "hefty fee" would be more than two months rent and they would need a week with her car, Y/N's eyes had gone wide, she told them she needed time to think about it, then hadn't been back since. She knew the workers needed to get paid for what they did, but christ, four digits for something someone's uncle could probably fix in their garage for fifty? It was a hard amount to swallow. And she couldn't even tell if the price was fair or not, because she didn't know a thing about cars, how hard certain things were to fix, and how much parts usually were.

So she knew exactly how she got here, and that was the worst part...almost worse than being here.

There were a few people she could call, sure – Niall would come to pick her up if she asked him to, but he knows dick all about cars too. So maybe he would come to get her, but she'd have to leave her car parked on the side of the road and she just wasn't comfortable with that. Which meant calling a tow truck – but where would they even tow it to? Would they tow it to her flat? That wouldn't really help either because she needs it looked at...and how much was a tow truck anyway?

Hopelessly, she groans to herself and double-checks that the car doors were locked before she pulls out her phone. She had been hesitant to get her phone out in the first place because she felt she needed to be vigilant; the area she was in wasn't the worst, but it certainly wasn't the best either. And if someone is lurking around in the night looking for someone to torment who better than a person stuck in their car, on the side of the road, that they clearly do not know how to fix. Her lights were off (because her car just gave up in general) and she turned the brightness on her phone way down, hoping that someone would just think it was an empty car – but even that had its downside. Empty car meant easy target too...fuck, she really couldn't win could she?

Y/N searches towing companies and scrolls through many that were asking for what she felt was a little too much to pull a car behind your truck (between 75-275 was a little bit outrageous – or that's just what she thought) before her eyes caught sight of a link in big, bolded letters, 'WE TOW FOR FREE: 24/7 SERVICE'. She clicked on it quickly, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and hoping that it hadn't just been a sales tactic she fell for. The place looked real and the website was official; it was an auto shop, actually, and they offered to tow for free as long as you used their services to fix whatever needed fixing.

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