Chapter 6 - Had Lucy Won the Bet

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As parade drew to a close and Grey dismissed them all, Lucy approached Tim with a cunning smile, ready for some competition with Tim.

"Hey, so you know the bet we made for the gold, because I won, you have to do something that I tell you to." Lucy smirked at Tim's look of disbelief.

"No, I won because I found the gold?"Tim replied in question.

"Actually, McGrady found the gold, and I arrested the guy trying to find it, so really I won," Lucy shot back.

"Agree to disagree, but i also think we should get a third, unbiased opinion."

Tim looked around as he said this. His gaze stopped on someone across the division. Lucy traced his gaze and saw him looking at Grey.

The Sargeant looked up at Tim and frowned in confusion at the both of them. After a short conversation, Grey decided that because of Lucy's good police work, and still managing to find the location of the gold, she had won the bet.

Lucy smiled triumphantly, and punched Tim's shoulder, for which he glared at her. Ignoring him, she taunted, "now you have to do whatever i tell you to do."

Tim harrumphed, and stalked off. "Ah- ah- ahhh- Bradford, you gotta ride with me today," she giggled gleefully.

Tim rolled his eyes, and my quickly prepared the shop to start their shift.


"What's your cat personality?" Lucy pried, and Tim rolled his eyes.

His eyes stayed on the road, and his mouth remained sealed shut. Lucy poked his arm, but still his mouth remained shut.

"Fine then, my cat personality is a ragdoll cat," Lucy began, grinning deviously, " I'm quite chill, and I love being held and manhandled." She finished, watching Tim closely for his reaction. His eyes flickered and darted to her in the rearview mirror. He sighed and shook his head.

"Will you tell me your cat personality now?" Lucy questioned again.


"Fine, I'm not going to waste my bet prize on this - can we have lunch now? It's practically 1:30," Lucy's quick topic change took Tim a second, but he glanced at the clock and nodded, saying," yeah, good idea, where to?"

"I don't know, uh- oh!" Tim almost jumped at Lucy's loud exclamation.
" There's a place just down the road, can we go there?"

" 'K, yeah that works," Tim replied shrugging, offering a small smile. Lucy beamed back at him. He couldn't help but admire the way the sun gently touched her eyes and lit them up to a light honey shade.


They sat at a table outside, and as they chatted, she noticed the look in Tim's eyes. She wasn't stupid - her parents were obsessed with getting her to read body and face language when she was younger. There was a deep admiration I'm Tim's eyes, and Lucy thought she'd play up to it.

Sucking on her straw suggestively, she kept eye contact with Tim as he talked. His eyes flickered down to her lips ever so quickly, and his words slowed. She moved away from her straw and Tim blinked, shaking himself, and resuming his conversation.

Lucy continued off of what Tim was saying, but another idea came to her, and in a beat of silence, she took a bite of her veggie burger, and moaned, saying, "This is so good,"

Tim's shoulders tensed and he took a deep breath on hearing her, but he calmed himself, and continued to eat.

As the time approached two o'clock, she told him that she was going for a toilet break, and to wait in the car.

"Don't do anything stupid Lucy," he warned.

"Of course not sir," she replied sweetly, clearly up to something.


Back in the car, Tim hung his head, and mulled over the last half hour. Lucy s eyes lit up in the sun, her lips wrapped around the straw, her fingers tapping the table the noise she elicited when-

The door clicked open, and Lucy hopped in, a lollipop in her mouth.

Tim, exasperated, muttered, "Where did you even get that from?"

Lucy just grinned, and continued sucking at her lollipop. This went on for a good 5 minutes, with Tim cruising the shop through narrow streets, on the look out for any trouble. Lucy moaned devilishly, waiting for Tim's reaction. She peeped at him in the rearview mirror. His jaw ticked, and he slammed the breaks on the shop.

Lucy watched, wide eyed, and Tim marched around the front of the shop, and yanked open the passenger door, pulling her roughly out of the seat.

"Hey!" She called sharply, and she was manhandled. Tim made sure both her feet were firmly on the floor, then slammed the door, and shoving her up against the cold painted metal, pressing his body against hers.

"What are you doing to me Lucy?" He questioned.

"I-" Lucy began, but she stopped, the words catching in her throat as she took in their proximity. She stared, frozen into his eyes, and she felt all of his muscles pressing into her. His eyes drifted over her face, thrn settled on her lips, tinged slightly red from the lollipop.

"Fuck it," Tim muttered under his breath, as he leaned down and smashed his lips against hers, Lucy froze for a moment, but relaxed, resting her hand on his wrist which pinned her against the shop. Tim wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her impossibly closer.

They broke apart, and Tim looked down. "I'm sorry," he apologized, moving away from her.

"Hey, wait Tim, I wanted that," she assured, pulling him back towards her. She lifted his hand and kissed his palm, watching the regret melt away from his face.

"So where do we go from here?" This was the first time that Lucy had seen confusion plastered over Tims sharp features, so she reached up and traced his jaw with her thumb.

"Well, here's my addendum - we finish this shift for starters, then you can come to mine after?"

Tom nodded, and kissed her forehead ever so gently, running his fingertips up and down Lucy's arm. She leaned into his touch, but whispered quietly, "We need to get back to shift Tim,"

He hummed, but kept her there for a few moments more, before pulling away, and opening her door for her.

"My lady?" He gestured for her to get in, a grin dancing on his lips. She smiled, climbing in, and soon they were off, driving down the road into the harsh light of the hot summer day.

and that's all my luvs 😊 I hope you enjoyed it, and thats all for now.

Until next time, bye bye, and au revoir 👋❤️

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