Chapter 15 - Day of Death: Tim

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Dedicated to PhoebeHenderson6

"Let me reiterate: Officer Lucy Chen has been taken. For those of you who don't know her, this is her picture, that should jog your memory enough."

Sargeant Greys voice was solem as he addressed the divisions, stood up high on the balcony of the second floor.

"We already have search parties out on last known locations, and people bringing in suspects of the alleged people she was last with. Stay vigilant, officers, and be careful."

He paused, looking around the station, almost in a silent will to find the woman who was like a daughter to him.

"Let's find her, dissmissed."

Immediately the officers filed out. A heavy silence had fallen over the station. But nobody was idle, there was an anxious feel to the station as people rushed around, the occasional shout of success followed by a groan of realisation when they realised they hadn't found her location.

Grey and Tim were interviewing the suspects as they came in.

The first was a woman, Isabella Hocker.

"Where were you in between hours eight and ten last night?" Asked Tim, his face hard and jaw ticking.

"Um, well I was-"

"For the love of God," he sighed under his breath, "Pick up the pace a bit please?"

"Ok, um, I went bowling at La Bolera with my boyfriend, Dmitri," she explained, waving her hands about.

"Is there anybody to verify that?" Tim questioned.

"The bowling alley might have us registered there, but- oh wait, I probably have my ticket?"

Holding his hand out, Tim nodded, indicating to her to let him see it. She began fumbling about in her coat pocket. She let out a quiet "hey!" when she pulled it out.

She handed it over to Tim who scrutinized it carefully, before turning to face the two way mirror, which he raised his eyebrows at, knowing Grey was stood there, watching.

Sure enough, his voice came through the speaker in the corner of the roof.

"If it checks out, let her go." Tim nodded, thanked Isabella for her time, then got an officer to escort her out. He met Grey outside the door.

"We'll keep an eye on her until we find Chen."

In the short break they had in between suspects, Tim went and got himself a coffee. He hadn't slept all night. He'd known Lucy was going out, but not where, or who with. Tim had only found out where she had gone this morning, during briefing. She'd said a name, but only once, and he could not remember for the life of him. She'd told him it was a guy, so really the last suspect he'd had in wasn't really even on his list of people to batter when he found out who it was.

His next suspects were a couple who had been at the diner around the time Lucy was taken. He would pay special attention to the guy.

When they came in though, Tim was immediately sure that it wasn't them. They told him an in-depth runover of their night, and had receipts, tickets, or phone numbers of people to call to confirm their whereabouts. They even had their food bill.

They were in and out quickly. His next suspects, one after the other, were two men, Caleb Gaston and Caleb Wright. Each one was at the diner at hours six to nine and eight to nine respectively.

However their interrogations seemed to prove fruitless.

"You were at the diner last night?"

"Look man, I was drunk, I can't really remember much of last night," came Gaston's adamant answer.

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