Chapter 8 - Some Things Matter More

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A/N Tim and Lucy aren't together in this one yet:)

Also TW a panic attack and a creep trying to assault Lucy (?)

Dedicated to PhoebeHenderson6

Tim and Lucy sat in the car laughing at something she had said. As their ruckus slowly ceased, a call came in for a DUI, which they promptly attended.

After a quick processing, they headed back out, where they were immediately called back out. This carried on for the rest of the day, until shift ended, minor transgressions which needed addressing.

By the end of shift, both Tim and Lucy were exhausted. Luckily for them though, it was their day off tomorrow. Usually, it didn't cross over so that they were both off the same day, but because Tim had missed his last off-day, he was taking it tomorrow.

They were meeting up the next day to go to the football match and a quick lunch after.



The morning was bright and cool, an ever so slight fog settling over everything, as the seasons shifted from a hot summer into a chilly fall.

The football game was good, with success all round, and Tim was still smiling as they left the stadium to go to a diner.

The day had warmed up to a glorious heat, and the scarf Lucy wore was now tied around her waist. If slightly unusual, she still looked sane.

As Tim went to order food, Lucy excused herself to the bathroom.

She was quick, and after washing her hands, she unlocked and swung the door open only to almost crash into a hulking man.

She looked up at him, and was immediately intimidated. He was tall, and slightly overweight, with a prominent beer belly. He had a mangy look to him, and dark circles under his eyes. He was donning the opposite teams football colours.

As he eyed Lucy up and down, she looked a him in closer detail. He was swaying ever so slightly on his feet.

"Excuse me." Lucy tried to move forward, but he blocked her path.

"Could you move please, you're blocking the door?" He merely glancing down at her, a hungry look on his face.

Lucy recognized that look. Similarly to Caleb, there was an obvious want on his face, but there was disgustingly lust on his face.

Lucy began to move forward again, to step around him, but he grabbed her arm with his sausage-like, greasy fingers, and tried to pull her back into the bathroom.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, grabbing his wrist and twisting it off of her hand, before dashing under his sweaty armpit and into the front of the restaurant.

By the time she reached Tim she was wide-eyed and close to hyperventilating.

"Hey, what took you so long?" He asked, smiling. The expression quickly wiped off his face when he saw the look on hers.

"Lucy, what's wrong? What happened?" He placed the food down on the counter, grabbing her shoulders.

"Can we eat at yours Tim? I don't want to eat here anymore," she pleaded quietly.

He wanted to ask what this was about, but didn't push it.

"That's okay, go wait by the car, and I'll play and get the food," he offered gently.
She nodded and left.

As she waited by the car, calming down from her scary encounter, she drummed her fingers on the car door, playing candy crush on her phone. It has been about a minute, when the same drunk man stumbled out of the restaurant, his eyes quickly catching on her.

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