Chapter 11 - A Date well Spent

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A/N: Not following the timeline of Lost is Found.

"Hey Sanford!"

Lucy's eyes widened, and she spun around, her mouth gaping like a fish.

Sanford looked up, his eyebrows raised.

"Would you be willing to join us at Osia for a double date with Ashley?" He called.

Sanford blinked a few times, but eventually nodded. Lucy smiled crookedly, warmth filling her expressive eyes.

"It'll be fun!" She shrugged.


At Osia


"And then," Tim continued, practically choking on the air he breathed, " she spent a good half hour, making goat noises at this damn goat!" He finished, wheezing on the last worked.

Lucy sat beside him, her face scrunched up, cringing at the memory, her cheeks pink as her voice rung with mirth.

Chris sat opposite Lucy, chuckling, an amused grin on his face as he watched her smile at Tim's words.

Ashley, sat next to Chris, didn't look quite as happy. She had a polite smile on her face, but was otherwise silent, looking back and forth between Lucy and Tim, a slight look of confusion dusting over her features.

As the laughter died down, a waitress approached their table with four side-plates stacked along her outstretched arms. Each plate had what seemed like a bubble on it.

As she placed them down on the table, she annoounced herself and the meal, which none of them but Ashley cared to listen to. Chris, though was slightly perplexed by the food, was enjoying himself, happy to be here with his newfound friends.

He was getting on well with Lucy, and Tim didn't seem to mind his presence, he was actually talking to him about the upcoming Dodgers match which they both wanted to go to. What he had noticed though, was that Ashley wasn't saying much, but had stayed quiet, just nodding. She seemed much more infatuated with the fancy food than with Tim or the conversation.

In fact, they all noticed Ashley's mildly sour mood.

Glancing down at the plate, a look of mock horror on his face, Tim exclaimed, "Does anybody actually like this food?" Before looking around the table.

"I mean,I don't know what half of this stuff is, and there's barely any of it in the first place!" He commented lightheartedly.

"Well Tim, just because you're a control freak and don't like new foods, doesn't mean that we don't. But," Lucy paused, " I agree with you, I'm still hungry and were three courses in already," she replied, laughing.

"I can second that," Chris chipped in, nodding. Lucy and Tim nodded in unison at Chris as he continued.

"Some pizza would be really good right now, to be honest."

"Oh my gosh yes, I haven't had pizza in ages! After this, if we're still hungry, we can go back to my apartment and order pizza, if anyones interested?" Lucy offered.

"I'm down for that, if we're still hungry," Chris agreed.

Tim nodded firmly. " That sounds great right now, honestly. Ash, you good with that?"

It was only then that Lucy realized that Ashley had barely said a word all night.

Ashley shrugged, looking uncomfortable. Seeing this, Lucy interjected quickly.

"It's okay, no one's forcing you, it's getting late anyway, and we all have work tomorrow anyway." Ashley smiled gratefully at Lucy.

"Yeah, thanks for asking though, I might just go home after if that's okay?"

Everything along the lines of "yeah of course, that's fine," was offered around the table, and the conversation picked up again.

A while later, when the main course was brought out, they found that not one of them could eat it. After a few bites, Lucy and Chris declared the food too rich, and Tim agreed and said it was too 'complicated' for his taste.

Lucy was amused to find that Ashley looked personally offended by their comments.

But, the night continued for the next hour, until Chris decided that he'd had enough, and could not stand to eat another bite of the overly flavoured, rich food. Immediately Tim and Lucy nodded and stood up, Ashley following more reluctantly.

It was arranged that Chris and Tim would go over to Lucy's, and Ashley would go home.

After a quick goodbye, Chris hopped in his car, and Lucy and Tim got in hers, as Tim had come in Ashley's car.

Sooner enough, they reached Lucy's house, and there was no time wasted in ordering pizza.


Two hours later.


Some hours later, a two empty bottles of red wine lay on the table, downed almost entirely by Tim and Lucy. Chris had had two glasses and was still mostly sober. He had found that Lucy was delightfully funny, and he was in awe of her in the way one might be in awe of an older sibling.

He had watched Tim and Lucy openly flirt all night, first at Osia, and now at her house. When Chris finally decided that he'd had enough of watching them giggle and glance at each other, he called it a night, telling them he'd see them soon at the station.

And then Tim and Lucy were alone. Drunk on both alcohol and supressed feelings that were surfacing now.

Admiring Tim from her position on the couch, she watched the way his eyes darted around as he told her a story. She wasn't really listening, just watching.

Watching the way his Adams apple bobbed up and down as he talked; watching the way his teeth shone bright white, covered by his wine-stained, smiling red lips; watching the way his biceps strained at his button down; how his muscular chest moved as he breathed.

These were her thoughts as the alcohol finally got to her head, and she nodded off thinking of Tim.

Some moments later, Tim noticed she had fallen asleep, curled up on the couch. He knew he couldn't leave her there, she'd have a whopping headache tomorrow. He walked over to her, slipping his arms under her knees and across her back, lifting her cleanly up from the couch. Her head dropped slowly onto his chest as he moved into the corridor.

Carrying Lucy to her room, he used his elbow to flick on the light as he walked in. Lucy stirred slightly, snuffling at the disturbance. The house was quiet now, as he laid her down gently onto her bed, gently tugging off the rings from her fingers, and brushing her hair to the side to unclasp the dainty necklace sat atop her neck.

Lucy shivered as she felt Tim's rough fingertips brushing across the nape of her neck, half asleep, reaching up to her face as Tim slid the backless earrings out of her ears. He laid each piece on the bedside table, before straightening up and letting out a sigh. As he turned to go, Lucy's timid voice questioned, "Tim?"

He paused, turning around.

"Stay?" Her tired brown eyes meeting his own blue ones.

His face softened, a daft smile flitting onto his face.

"Of course."

So Tim switched off the light, and slid into bed beside Lucy. For a few minutes, they kept their distance, but soon it was forgotten as Tim slung an arm over Lucy's waist as she nuzzled her face into his chest. There they slept peacefully for the rest of the night, Chris and Ashley forgotten.


and that's it luvs 😊 I hope you enjoyed! I decided to take a break from Lost is Found, as we can clearly see💃

Omg guys I got 100% in my art exam!! I've done one every year for the past three years, and the first year I got 90% last year I got 98, and this year I got 100% IM SO PROUD OF MYSLEF!! I got a postcard and everything it's amazing😭

Anyway, that's all for now luvs, until next time, au revoir 👋❤️

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