Chapter 12 - Foes from the Past

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Dedicated to Topaz1983

"Dismissed!" Called Tim, moving away from the podium.

As the officers rose from their seats, a chatter immediately commencing from the officers who hadn't had time to catch up beforehand. Tim strode towards Lucy, giving her a quick smile and nod.
Lucy went to prepare the shop, and Tim got them both coffee.

The day was mild, and calm, so a quiet shift was expected. And that's how it went, until around lunch time when they were called up to an abandoned warehouse to investigate a noise complaint.

The place had accumulated a series of anonymous 9-11 calls over the past few weeks, but every time they sent over officers, they came back saying there was nothing amiss, that it was probably just a raccoon.

As they pulled up, giving it a once-over, they deemed it thoroughly abandoned and dilapidated, but called in anyway to day they were going in.

"We can split up, just give the place a quick check. Radio me if you find anything," Tim murmured quietly, nudging her as they approached the huge metal doors. They were slightly open, and Tim slipped through, ducking his head, followed swiftly by Lucy.

Flicking on their torches, they split up at a television sized , vertically stored parcel, not noticing how brand new the tape looked, or the fact that there wasnt a single speck of dust across the top.

As Lucy stepped quietly into the dark caverns of the warehouse, she could help but notice the occupied feel the building had. For example, the sun shining through the cracked windows didn't illuminate the particles in the air the same way as was customary for any other building. There were large areas where there was no dust at all, as if something had been moved. And with a silent surprise, she could vaguely see footprints in the otherwise thick layers or dirt and dust blanketing the floor. Then out of nowhere, she heard a familiar sound of the safety of a gun being clicked off, faintly, somewhere deeper in the warehouse, but she got no indication from Tim to inform her to do so too. Or maybe it wasn't Tim.

Reaching for her radio to inform Tim, she heard a loud bang come from the other end of the warehouse. Quickly, she backed up and ducked under a tarp, where she murmured quietly into her radio for Tim. Hearing no reply from him, she called the station, where they told her that backup was on their way.


1 minute previously


Tim shuffled quietly along, his feet not making a sound. Now that he had thought about it, the tape on the parcel that they had passed at the door had looked new, as if it had only been there a few days at most. His guard was up, his eyes darting around.

And then suddenly, a quiet breath. Close by. Not Lucy then. A click of a gun. Close by. Definitely not Lucy.

Immediately his gun was in his hand. Tim's head spun round as the sound of breathing approached his location. Just as he turned around, gun ready to shoot, he felt a sharp pain in the side of his neck. As his vision went dark, he felt a needle slide out of his neck, and he caught a glimpse of a woman's face before he hit the floor with a bang.

Lucy stayed under her tarp for a minute before radioing for Tim again.

"Officer Bradford, what's your 20?" She spoke softly.

No answer.

"Tim, your 20."

Again, no answer.

She sighed, exasperated. She couldn't move, she could hear footsteps, that alone told her it wasn't Tim. She could hear them.

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