Chapter 7

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"Right, is that everything?" I asked and looked over our packing list

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"Right, is that everything?" I asked and looked over our packing list.

"I think so," Astral said, looking through his rucksack one last time. "Did you bring the ginger?"

"Yeah, I've got it. We'll need to buy more on our travels though. It won't last forever."

"And we'll buy clothes on the road too." He closed up the leather sack and shouldered the strap, pulling it up from the bed. "I still can't believe we're actually leaving." He jumped over to me, helped me get my own rucksack up on my back and then pulled me in for a kiss. It was a brief one, but it left my lips tingling.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," he said and laced his fingers with mine.

There were no teary goodbyes. We stopped under the arch which marked the entrance to the front gardens of the college and looked back at the large stone building. It looked like a magical castle. Technically I guess it was?

"Well, I'm not gonna miss this place," Astral said and glanced at me.

I tipped my head to the side and grimaced. "Me neither. I'm taking the only good thing about this place with me." I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my lips, kissing his knuckles.

"You can be so smooth sometimes, Mars. I like it." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Let's go."

"I think my blisters are growing blisters," Astral whined

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"I think my blisters are growing blisters," Astral whined. We had been walking for half a day and he had been complaining for the most part of it.

"I told you not to wear those boots," I grumbled. Astral needed to wear his nice new boots, instead of the ones who had been firmly broken in and were much more comfortable. I didn't know who he exactly wanted to look so good for, especially after we had left the college city and were walking on the smaller roads. There were only us and an occasional carriage.

"Do you think we can get a ride with the next carriage?"

"You can try and ask," I muttered. I quite liked the walk. No one stared at me here. The arch mage had fashioned a pair of spectacles for me, so the sun wouldn't hurt my eyes. It had toned glasses both in the front and on the sides.

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