Chapter I: A New Home

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Sirius Black, until recently thought to be a mass murderer and You-know-Who's right hand man was proclaimed innocent during last month's trial in the ministry. A public apology was issued to Black by Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge himself.

Along with the apology, Black was also given an obscenely huge amount of 10,000,000 galleons as compensation for his unfair imprisonment. But, is this compensation truly enough?

An innocent man spent a decade in Azkaban, the most dreaded place in this world. Can money really solve the problem?

It was discovered, two months ago that Peter Pettigrew, whom everyone thought to be dead was the one who had betrayed the Potters on that fateful night.

Pettigrew was their latest secret keeper and not Black. He was the one who had passed all the information regarding the Potters to You-Know-Who.

Pettigrew, also known as Wormtail, confessed to his crimes under the influence of vertiaserum the previous day.

He was shipped off to Azkaban without further ado and will be sentenced to the dementor's kiss next week. Sirius Black, now a free man looks forward to rebuilding and continuing his life from where he left off.

For more information please turn to pg. 07.

That was the article that made the headlines of the Daily Prophet on 29th June 1992.

Sirius Black's acquittal received mixed reactions. A good deal of the public believed in his innocence while there were some who accepted the news with a bit of scepticism and then of course, there were those who were simply indifferent about the news.

The main question: How did the man feel?

The healers at St. Mungo's hospital had fussed over him (especially females), tending to him with great care.

After a week, the ex-Azkaban prisoner stepped out of St. Mungo's hospital feeling much better than he had in years. After a good night's rest, some much required treatment, a hot shower and a fresh set of robes, he was ready to go and collect his eleven-year-old godson who had just completed his first year at Hogwarts at platform 9 and 3/4.

Sirius Black was not the sort of person who would hold grudges. But he was considerably pissed off about the fact that his best friend Remus Lupin had believed him to be the traitor. He knew that he was being a bit of a hypocrite but he didn't care. Remus wasn't the one who'd spent ten long years in Azkaban.

Although the werewolf had written to him, he wasn't willing to bury the hatchet. He need some time before he could meet the man.

However, right now he wasn't going to bother about all of that since he had other issues that needed immediate attention.

He was now the Head of the Black family since his beloved parents had passed away. He was certain that family mansion Black Manor was currently in a fine state indeed since not a soul had set foot there in years. They couldn't. Not without his express permission.

With a slightly creased brow, he apparated to Black Manor and was pleasantly surprised when he found that he could still do it.

He walked up the pathway that led to the opulent mansion and once he reached the heavy rosewood door, he placed his palm flat against it. There was a grating sound as the door which hadn't been used for so many years, slowly creaked open at its master's touch.

The door opened and he entered the mansion, feeling elated to be back to this house instead of that gloomy residence at Number 12 Grimmauld Place.

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