Chapter XXXVII: Partners in Crime

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"I'll admit, I was more than a little surprised when I received your invitation," Sirius told his cousin as the house elf poured them both some tea. Narcissa merely smiled at him slightly.

"I actually have been wanting to talk to you. I owe you an apology for the way I've acted all these years." He definitely wasn't expecting that. Sirius was taken aback by the genuineness in her words. While he'd been getting along fairly well with his cousin, never in a million years had he expected her to accept her mistakes. She sounded so humble and that was so completely unlike Narcissa.

"I'm truly sorry for everything, Sirius. I won't make any excuses for my behaviour. All I can say is that it was unacceptable." She paused and took a deep breath. It was only then that Sirius realised how hard this was for her. He decided to hear her out without any mocking. "I was wrong. Only recently did I realise that."

Sirius could read people well enough to see that Narcissa had just meant every word she'd said. "I'm sure we can put the past behind us." She nodded at him with a small smile. "Thank you."

"Anything else?" He asked, setting his teacup down. Her expression morphed into one of concern. "I couldn't help but notice the changes in Draco's behaviour over the past month." She sighed before adding: "Particularly after Lucius' arrest."


"It's a good change, Sirius. I am a little surprised about this. Draco seems a lot more relaxed and I dare say... happier without Lucius around. I can't help but wonder why. I understand that Lucius was demanding and even more than a little harsh at times, but he cared deeply for his son."

Sirius knew exactly why Draco was much more relaxed. It had everything to do with Lucius but he couldn't tell her that. It wasn't his secret to share. "Sirius, I know my Draco very well. If there's something truly bothering him, he'll will still do his best to put on a strong front. He will not talk about it. Lucius taught him from the very beginning to remain stoic at all times. It bothers me far more than I let on. He's still a child and I worry about him."

Sirius could see where this conversation was headed. Narcissa wasn't a stupid person. She was finally starting to put together the pieces. Maybe she was just realising that her husband hadn't been all that honest with her. At least not about their son. Truth was, Lucius Malfoy had been more of a bully than a father to his son.

"This rather sudden but positive change in his behaviour has got me thinking, Sirius. Was Draco afraid of Lucius? If so, then why? Did he ever talk to you about Lucius?"

As far as Narcissa was aware, Draco had been nothing but an obedient and respectful son. But, there had never been much warmth between father and son. They had hardly even talked much. If at all they did, Lucius would call Draco into the study and talk to him. She had forgotten the last time her son had received any sort of encouragement from his father.

It was something that had always bothered her. She had dismissed it after much thought since Lucius had never been the affectionate sort. But, as much as she was glad that Draco was doing better, it troubled her quite a bit to see that her son wasn't even a little upset by his father's absence.

"Narcissa, I won't deny that Draco has mentioned a few things to me as well as Regulus. As much as I agree that you deserve to know, I promised the lad that I wouldn't betray his trust. I'm sorry but I can't tell you. What I can tell you that he's genuinely happier and getting along splendidly with everyone."

She remained silent for a whole minute before speaking again. "You always were loyal, weren't you? I suppose there's no point in me asking any further questions. I will have to talk to Draco about it." Sirius was glad that she hadn't pushed for answers.

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