Chapter XLVI: Hidden Truths

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Since Potions was the last class for the day, Harry wasted no time in running to Remus' quarters. He knocked quickly and went inside when he heard a soft 'come in.'

He found the man sitting on the sofa, reading a book. The professor smiled when he saw Harry

"Harry, what can I—"

"I need to see Dad! Right now!" He nearly yelled.

"What? Harry, I can't allow that. There are rules. Students aren't allo—"

"I don't care. I really need to see him. It's urgent, Remus! You have to let me go." He had to tell Sirius.

Remus must have noticed the desperation in his voice. "What's this about, Harry?"

"It's important, Remus. Very, very important. You need to believe me. I can't tell you what but I swear, I'm not making this up."

"Harry, students aren't allowed to leave without permission from the headmaster, parent or the Head of their House."

"I know but this won't take long. I'm only asking for fifteen minutes."

The man gave in, although reluctantly.

"Fine. But a minute longer and I will have to go to Dumbledore. You refuse to tell me what this is about and so I won't have a choice."

Harry was already inside the floo before Remus could say anything. He knew that this floo could access the Auror Headquarters since Sirius had dropped by.

He threw the floo powder into the fireplace, said his destination out loud and was instantly engulfed by the green flames.

When Harry stepped out of the fireplace inside the Auror Department, he received a lot of surprised glances. After all, it wasn't everyday that a third year tumbled out of the floo in an area reserved for crime and justice.

"Mr. Potter? What are you doing here?" Harry recognised the man after a second. He was Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"I'm here to see my godfather, sir."

The aurors within earshot looked at him funnily. He didn't blame them though.

"And before you say no, it's urgent. And important."

The burly man pursed his lips, contemplating. "His office is that way. But this was your idea."

Harry shot the man a grateful smile and went off in the right direction. He found the door and much like Regulus, he went inside without knocking.

"Regulus, how ma— Harry? Is something wrong?"

Harry bit his lip. "There's something you need to know."

Sirius gestured for Harry to close the door and sit down. "Go on, I'm listening."

"I know about that locket you and the other Aurors have been searching for."

As expected, Sirius raised an eyebrow at Harry with a look he knew all too well. "You know about it? Pray tell how?"

Now for the hard part. Harry bit his lip and scratched the back of his neck. "I might have overheard you and Uncle Reg talking about it."

"I see." Two words had never sounded more reproving. "So what about it?"

"I know where it is."

"Come again?" Very few things could surprise Sirius. Harry was pretty sure this was one of the few times he'd managed to catch the man off guard.

"I'm not lying, I swear. Today, after potions, right before I could leave the classroom, I saw the locket in Snape's desk. I've never seen the thing before but there was just this really weird feeling that told me it was the one."

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