Chapter XXVII: The Downfall of Malfoy

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Lucius Malfoy had been having a wonderful summer so far. He'd fretted over Black's warning but when nothing had happened, he'd forgotten about it. He had been so daft to think that the blood traitor would actually do anything. That warning had been nothing more than an idle threat. That's all Black was: full of idle threats. The other day, when he had thought he was doomed, all Black had done was publish a newspaper article about him. It had been humiliating, yes, but eventually, people had forgotten about it. He should've known better than to think that Black would do anything to him. He was too weak.

There was a knock on his door and he looked up to see his son. "What do you want, Draco?" He snapped, annoyed that the boy had disturbed him. Draco flinched at the harshness of his father's words. "Mother wanted to know if you would be out late tonight as well." He said, schooling his features.

"Yes I will. Now stop barging in every few minutes. I don't wish to be bothered. I don't want to see you or anyone else for a while. I'm a busy man who had work to do. The last thing I need is disturbance. Get out and stay out." He said, quite brusquely. "Yes, sir."

Draco closed the door and stepped outside, trying to shut down the emotional side of his mind. He couldn't remember the last time his father had been civil to him. He knew about the kinds of things his parents discussed whenever they thought he wasn't around. He also knew that his father was less than honest with his mother regarding his..... affairs. He was twelve but he wasn't stupid. His mother tried to keep him out of it but there were times when he was invariably involved. He was aware that his family had dark connections but truth be told; he wanted nothing to do with the dark arts.

When people looked at him, all they saw was a spoilt, snobbish boy who had everything he could ever ask for. People either hated him or worshiped him. There was no in between. But, no one saw the boy who was desperately trying to prove to his father that he wasn't an utter waste. That's all his life was. And maybe, that's all his life would ever be.

Part of him wished his father would realise his worth, while there was a small part of him that wanted to stop trying. The state of their Manor reflected the state of mind of its residents: dark, gloomy and unhappy.


Sirius reappeared just inside the gates of the manor along with the others. There were two floo entrances to get to the house. One led directly into the living room: that was meant for the immediate family and close friends. The other one was outside. It was used by guests and visitors.

Sirius, Regulus and two other Aurors went to the door while the rest of them stood outside in case they were required. Sirius rapped twice on the door and waited. He silently cast an anti-apparition charm on the house and a spell barrier, in case Malfoy tried anything funny.

He heard the scurrying of footsteps and an old, miserable looking house elf opened the door. Sirius recognised the elf but couldn't remember its name. "Who is it, Nipsy?" A female voice called out. The source of the voice was Narcissa Malfoy. Sirius hadn't seen her in years but, she was still the same: the haughty expression, pale appearance and her condescending tone.

"Cousin, how wonderful to see you." Said Regulus, sarcastically. Her eyes widened when she saw him. "R-Regulus? How?" Pure shock was displayed on her face. The man in question tsked disapprovingly and smirked at her. "You see me after so many years and that's all you can say? No warm greetings at all. I should've expected nothing more from someone as cold as you."

The woman was still too shocked to say anything. "H-How?" She asked once again.

"How? When? Blah blah blah. I could answer your questions but I really don't want to. We don't have all the time in the world, cousin. Now, be a dear and go call your husband." Said Regulus.

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