Chapter XXIV: The Allure of Darkness

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"YES!" Harry exclaimed as they apparated to Black Manor. He was finally home. No more waking up at seven everyday for lessons. He could sleep as much as he wanted, read all the magazines that he had and pretty much have a blast. After the excruciatingly long two weeks had passed.

"Pup, I know that you're overjoyed to be home. First, go and unpack your trunk. You can prance around the place later." said Sirius, grinning broadly. One year ago, Harry had started living with him. The difference between how he had been then and how he was now couldn't have been more visible.

"Unpack? Dad, no! Don't do this to me. I've traveled long and far to come home and you send me straight to my room? Please, lunch first." Harry clasped his hands together dramatically. Rolling his eyes at the boy's antics, Sirius reached forward and flicked Harry's ear. "Drama Queen," he commented fondly. "Alright we can have lunch first."

For lunch, Becky had prepared Harry's favourite ravioli. Dobby was also there, with Harry's tie in a knot around his middle. "Now you unpack." said Sirius once the plates had been cleared away.


The next day, Harry's punishment officially began. After lunch, Sirius led him to the library where he was asked to arrange all the books in proper order.

"All of them? Dad, this library is as large as the one at Hogwarts. I'll never be able to finish it." He protested, staring at the seemingly endless piles of books that loomed over him, as though taunting him. "Harry, there's no room for negotiations here. You will do it. Besides, a good deal of the shelves are already in sequence. You just need to attend to the ones that are not. Do this and you are done for the day."

"Fine, I'll get to it. But this is the most boring job ever." He grumbled. "If you think this is bad, I suggest you mentally brace yourself. You have lots more coming your way." Harry groaned at Sirius' words. "But I said I was sorry. I'll never ever do it again." He tried to convince his father but in vain. Sirius shook his head firmly. Sighing, he got to work without further argument.

As Harry had predicted, the job was truly and utterly boring. He didn't think he had ever felt so bored. It was a tedious procedure. He had to pull down all the books, sort them according to their volumes after which he had to stack them back in the correct shelves. With a grunt, he lifted a copy of 'An advanced study in Draconology: Volume XXI' and placed it where it belonged. It had taken him nearly four hours to finish the task assigned.

Harry swore to himself that at the end of these two weeks, the very thought of anything dangerous would make him shiver. Not for the actual danger, but for the aftermath.

He was exhausted from all the work but not particularly sleepy. "Dad, I swear I'll never do it again. I'll never even think of danger or anything even remotely close to it." Harry said, while they ate dinner. "Well I'm glad you think like that." Was what he said.

Later, after dinner the two of them were playing chess when Harry yawned rather loudly. Sirius glanced at the clock. "You know, when you were a baby, getting you to sleep was an ordeal. It drove people around you crazy." Sirius commented with a smile. "Putting you to bed wore me out more than any Auror mission. You simply refused to sleep." "So what would you do?" Harry asked, curiosity colouring his words.

Smiling, Sirius cleared away the chess board and patted Harry's pillow. "Lie down and I'll show you." Harry looked suspiciously at his dad. "I'm not going to tickle you, don't worry." Sirius promised with a grin. Laughing, the boy lay down on his stomach.

Grinning mischievously, the man attacked Harry's sides. The pup yelped and turned around to glare at him accusingly. "Dad!" He whined. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist." said Sirius before he gently pushed Harry down. "Believe it or not, you actually enjoyed being ticked as a baby."

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