Chapter IX: The Fever

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So, I might be putting in a character of my own. This girl is going to be Sirius's daughter and will be a year or two younger than Harry. I personally felt bad for Sirius when Rowling killed him in OOTP. I mean he deserves to have his own family life.

Secondly, the Sirius in my book is not wild and reckless as Rowling portrays him because Azkaban has made him simmer down tremendously. He's going to be the father figure Harry never had. So let me know what you'll think about this. The next chapter will be uploaded soon so hope I can meet your expectations. Oh and I really look forward to constructive criticism.


Last night's event had given Sirius the answer that he needed to give Dumbledore regarding the job offer. Harry was still healing from all those unspeakable things the muggles had done to him and he still needed Sirius to be there for him. He was going to be there for his pup and make sure that Harry completely moved on. With that decision in mind, Sirius sent a letter to Dumbledore, telling the man that he would take up the post for the forthcoming year. Although he knew that he had done the right thing, he couldn't help but feel apprehensive about his new job. He wondered how all the students would react to him. He could only hope that everyone believed that he was innocent.

With nothing to do, the Animagus started getting bored. Harry had gone to Ron's house to spend the day and Sirius would go over and collect him in the evening before dinnertime. There was still a lot of time left for that so he didn't knew how to kill time till then.

He looked at his reflection in the polished cup in which he had been drinking tea and smiled. His appearance had improved a lot ever since his release from Azkaban. He wasn't deathly pale anymore and he had gained back his much needed weight, muscle as well as his former looks that could bring any woman down on her knees. Sure, Azkaban had taken away his freedom for the past decade but it hadn't been able to take away his qualities. He still retained his charisma, his slick tongue and the temper. Of course, he wasn't reckless anymore and gave every matter great thought before acting.

He smirked at the thought of his godson's expression as he flirted with the ladies. James had always tried to imitate his charismatic personality so as to charm Lily but it had never worked. Most of the times, Sirius had nearly bitten off his cheek to keep himself from laughing at his best friend's futile efforts.

At about seven he went to collect Harry from the Weasleys who insisted that the two if them stay back for dinner and on Molly's insistence, Sirius complied.

Harry had been having a great time all day. Sirius had let him go to Ron's house right after breakfast and the two best mates had played Quidditch with the twins and Ginny after which they had come home, feeling absolutely exhausted and ravenous. After lunch, the twins had briefed Harry and Ron on the pranks they were going to play that coming year and how they planned on getting as many detentions as possible.

"Harry dear, have you bought all your requirements for your second year?" Asked Mrs. Weasley as she bustled around the kitchen cooking Beef Wellington for dinner. "No, Mrs. Weasley. Sirius said that we would go sometime this week." Harry replied as Ron defeated beat him at yet another game of chess. "Maybe we could all go together. It would be great." Said Ron to which Harry nodded. It would be brilliant indeed. He would ask Sirius later on if he was okay with it.

Later, Sirius came to pick him up for supper but then Mrs. Weasley insisted that they stay back and they did. "Sirius, can we go along with Ron to buy my new books?" Asked Harry as he ate. There was a shyness and hesitancy in his voice that always appeared when he asked for something or confessed anything. Sirius smiled at Harry fondly and ruffled the black hair, chuckling as he did so. "Of course we can."

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