Chapter VIII: Happy Birthday Pup

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"Have you started off with your holiday homework pup?" Asked Sirius as the two of them were bent over the tea table, engaged in a leisurely game of wizard's chess. "Well, I.....uh." Harry stammered slightly, not sure how to answer as he didn't know how his godfather would react.

"Shall I take that lack of response as a no?" Asked Sirius, raising an eyebrow to which Harry nodded, refusing to meet his guardian's eyes. Sirius observed his godson's worried demeanour and decided to ease his worries. "I'm not upset pup. That's alright. Why don't you get started with it so that you'll be done with it well before school starts? Hmm?"

Harry nodded, looking considerably relieved. Later on that day, Sirius went to the Weasleys for some 'reasons that he couldn't share with Harry.' He had made Harry promise him that he wouldn't try to do anything reckless and the small boy had done just that.

Harry trudged upstairs to his room, to get done with that monster of an essay Snape had set for the students. He opened his bedroom door to find someone or something rather, jumping on his bed. He recognised the creature as a house elf. The only one he had met so far was Becky so it was rather odd to walk in and find a house elf in one's room.

"Hello? Um who are you?" The house elf abruptly stopped bouncing at the unexpected entrance of the occupant of the room. He jumped off the bed and stared at Harry with an almost awed look on his face. "Harry Potter sir. What an honour it is sir. I is Dobby sir. Dobby the house elf."

"Ok so... uh... so what can I do for you?" Asked Harry, his confusion only increasing by the second. "It's.... It's difficult for..... for Dobby to say."

"Why don't you sit down," said Harry politely, pointing at the bed. To his horror, the elf burst into tears, howling loudly and blowing his nose with that filthy pillowcase that he wore.

Now Harry didn't know how to react. So he did the only thing he had become accustomed to, thanks to the Dursleys. He apologised: "Please Dobby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm really sorry." The hurried and desperate apology only seemed to increase the flow of unceasing tears. After what seemed like ages to Harry the tears subsided to sniffles and Dobby looked up at Harry with wide eyes.

"Offend Dobby? Dobby has never been asked to..... to sit down by a.... by a wizard sir." The elf managed in between its sniffles. "I don't suppose you must've met any decent wizards then." Said Harry, his confused expression replaced with pity.

Dobby shook his head. Then, without warning, he leapt up and started banging his head furiously on the wardrobe, shouting, "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

Harry stood transfixed for a moment before he came to his senses and grabbed the house elf's pillow case, bringing the distraught creature out of its self inflicted punishment.

"Thank you Harry Potter sir. Dobby is most grateful sir. Dobby almost spoke ill of his family sir so Dobby punishes himself sir." Harry looked at the elf, wondering why the elf would want to do that before he remembered that Becky had also started banging her head against the door upon a certain day until Sirius had stopped her and firmly reminded the house elf that she was not to punish herself.

"Um, why exactly are you here Dobby?" Harry asked, deciding not to dwell on the elf 's punishment.

"Dobby has come to warn Harry Potter that Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts."

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