Chapter XLIV: Of Devious Stratagies

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The secretary, who was roughly his age, probably younger, blinked owlishly and looked up at Sirius. "I'm very sorry, sir but the Minister is currently busy in a meeting."

Sirius barely refrained from rolling his eyes. He'd known that the slimy old man would want to avoid him at all costs.

"Luv, I don't recall asking what he's doing at the moment. I'd like to see the Minister. Now." His tone made it clear that the topic wasn't up for debate, as did his expression.

"He's right through the door." She was a sensible one.

"Thank you." He marched straight to he door and opened it, not caring to knock.

He saw the man slouching in his chair with a plate of biscuits before him and glass of amber coloured liquid in his hand. Fire whiskey.

"Drinking on the job? Hardly advisable, Minister."

The man started in his seat when he saw Sirius. "Auror Black? What are you... what are you doing here? Is there something that you... that you wish to discuss?"

"Indeed there is. Can you guess?"

A bead of sweat trickled down Fudge's forehead. "No, I don't know."


He sank further into his chair, like that was any help.

"That's funny. See, I recall seeing these certain robed, hooded creatures, commonly known as Dementors, looming over the Hogwarts grounds. Would you be so kind as to tell me as to where they came from?"

The polite words which were uttered in a light, almost nonchalant tone somehow sounded deadlier than the most potent poison known to man. To anyone, Sirius' stance appeared at ease. But, to those who knew him well, he was like a raging storm, just about to hit the land and destroy anything and everything in his path.

Fudge gulped once, twice and several times more before opening his mouth. Now that he wasn't surrounded by advisors who fell over themselves pleasing him, he felt a lot less braver.

"It was a necessary step, Auror Black." His voice was uncertain, almost wavering.

"A necessary step you say?" Sirius had to exercise a great deal of restraint to stop himself from strangling the man. While he deserved it, Fudge was still the Minister.

"Read this out for me, will you?" Sirius pulled out a roll of parchment from his pocket and slid it over to Fudge. He took a seat on the opposite side and crossed his legs at the knee. "You insist that what you did was necessary. This shall clear up the matter."

The parchment had been sealed with wax and on it was the official seal of the British Ministry of Magic.

"This is—"

"Yes, I know exactly what it is. I was the one who procured it less than an hour ago. Read it."

Fudge picked up the roll, broke the seal and began to read:

"I, Cornelius Roland Fudge, do most solemnly swear to—"

"Blah blah blah. Yes we all know that bit. Skip to the end," Sirius drawled.

Fudge looked at Sirius with confusion. "Why?"

"Humour me." Sirius was damn certain that if Regulus had been present, he would have laughed himself silly. Unlike Sirius, the younger Black had a terrible poker face.

"I will preserve, protect, and defend its Constitution.
I will faithfully discharge my duties as such to the best of my ability without fear or favor, affection or ill-will.
I will not abuse, misuse or manipulate my power.
I will not act without the consent and approval of two thirds of the Wizengamot which include the incumbent Heads of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and Auror Department . 

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