Chapter XXXV: Of Dangerous Books and Odd Friendships

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"Is he alright?" Regulus asked, his voice laced with a bit of concern as he spoke to his cousin over the floo. "He's exhausted and seems a little warm. But, other than that, he is okay. I don't think he'll be able to attend his lessons for the next three days or so." Narcissa replied, her own features tight with worry. "Thats alright, Narcissa. How did he fall ill?"

"I don't know, Regulus. He was fine yesterday morning. It was only in the evening did he start feeling a little unwell." She said. "Mmhm. Well, I hope he gets better soon. Is it alright with you if I pay him a visit? Even Sirius?"

"Yes, its perfectly fine." She said and they ended the call. Although the Black brothers and Narcissa had never been on good terms, they were trying to be civil for Draco's sake. And they were clearly making progress. Narcissa had stopped casting condescending looks at the two of them and altered her tone as well.

Regulus went back to the dining room where Sirius and Harry were having breakfast. Joining them, he loaded his plate with some food and turned to his brother. He knew that Sirius had heard him since the living and dining rooms were adjacent to each other.

"I think I'll go and see him later in the afternoon." He said. "Okay. I'll try and if come as well. Because if there's one thing I know well is that children tend to get absolutely miserable when they're ill. Right Harry?"

"Hey! I was never miserable." Harry protested. "Sure you weren't. You were simply bubbling with energy. Anyway, what's your plan for the day?" The man asked. "Actually, Hermione, Ron and I were thinking of going to Hogsmeade today. I wanted to ask you yesterday but it slipped my mind. Can we go?"

While those pleading green eyes instantly melted Regulus, Sirius had become a master at resisting that face. But since it was the summer, he relented. "By yourselves? I don't have any issues with you going, but be careful. Don't wand—" No sooner had the words left his mouth than he found himself with an armful of boy. "Thank you!"

"Harry, I'm not finished." But the excited pup had already left the table to floo call his best mate.

Half an hour later, Sirius had finally gotten Harry to listen. "Don't wander off, have fun and most importantly, stay safe. Is that clear?" He raised an eyebrow at his son, doing his best to look stern but failing to do so. "Yes, sir." Harry puffed his chest out and gave Sirius a mock salute. "Can I go now or do you need to continue your overprotective super-dad talk?" He asked with a cheeky grin.

"Careful, kiddo or I might just change my mind." He said. Laughing, Harry gave his father a hug, said goodbye to the two brothers and was off for the day. After that, both Sirius and Regulus also left for work.


"Darling, Sirius and Regulus are here to see you." Draco heard his mother's announcement and was surprised by the joy that shot through him. "Hey kiddo." Regulus' familiar greeting only made him smile wider. He immediately closed the book that he'd been reading and tucked it away.

"How are you feeling?" Sirius asked, slightly concerned."I'm bored and bored and bored." He grumbled. His own father had never bothered about him even when he'd been sick. This had made him overplay things just to gain the man's attention. It had never worked. This time, he was plain honest.

"I know, Draco. Don't worry though. You'll be back to normal in a few days." Said Sirius. "What happened anyway?" Regulus inquired. The man placed a hand on Draco's forehead, checking him. "Well, you are a bit warm, mate. A mild fever I suppose. You look a little down as well."

The concern and worry stirred something odd inside him and he felt that familiar lump in his throat. He shoved it down and shrugged. "I don't know. I think the food must've had something in it." He said.

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