Chapter - 59

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 59
'I can't leave him'
By; Mike Hurley

They stood side by side, her shoe touched his, her hip leaned into him a bit. She felt his warm breath on her ear and followed Ty's every command. Amy suctioned all the blood out of the little dogs chest cavity and stared at the monitor........

Thats her heart Ty........look, it's alive and you can see each section contract in perfect timing. Is that the aorta??


It bulges for a split second as blood is pumped through it. What does it feel like to hold a beating heart Ty??

It tickles my hand a little bit and is the most amazing sensation I've ever experienced.
They say the heart has its own thoughts and it's own emotions, separate from the brain.

Do you believe that Ty??

I do Amy, I'm not even a doctor yet and I've seen too many things on the operating table to discard a grand scheme.

You mean like God??

Yup, ......nature is just not intelligent enough to create a heart and all the redundant systems that control it. The brain & heart are constantly nerves and an electromagnetic field.

What now??

Let's look around for the bleed; send the camera up around the left lung.....
Slow.....yeah!!  Right there!!

I'll suck it out??

Yes, start at the right & work left.


It's just my gut feeling Amy; I can't explain it.

I'm cold Ty, can you hold me while I do this.

Sure Amy......

You didn't shave this morning, your face is rough.

Isn't that how you like my face to feel??

Amy didn't answer, but she smiled under her mask.

Amy moved the joy stick type control as she pushed her right foot down, on the pedal, for more suction.
She pushed her back deeper into Ty's chest & felt his heart beating against her bra strap.

You're heart feels happy Ty.......

This is my favorite place to in the whole world to be Amy!!

With me!!

With you Amy!! 

There it is Ty......see the blood squirting out??
Ok, here, you take over.

No you're doing good Amy!!

Ty I have no idea how to cauterize!! What if I burn that bigger blood vessel on the left.

I'm putting my hand over yours; we'll do it together.....

I love you!!

I love you too!!

The tear is concave & facing down, so lets put the electrode on the bottom.....up a little more..... just a hair more till you see the vein move from us touching it....
There!!  Stop!!

Ok, I'll set the voltage to 9000 microvolts, and Amps......let's try 12 milliamperes.
Ok, take your other hand & push that red button once.....
Hit it again.
Now let's zap each side for good measure....
Good Job Amy.  The bleeding stopped.

What about all the little pockets of blood everywhere??

We're low on time; the body will absorb that Amy......we're at 23 minutes, let's get out & close up the incision.

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