Chapter - 44

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 44 / "Anything"
By; mike Hurley

Cindy sat at the desk in her bedroom doing homework. She heard a diesel truck pull up outside and stop. She got up and peeked out the window. She saw a big Ford and a cowboy hat inside, must be one of dads police friends she thought. It was 6:30 pm, as she closed her
Literature textbook and opened her organic chemistry book. She began reading
chapter 5..........

"Friedrich Wohlers synthesis of an organic compound from inorganic chemicals without involving living organisms is widely regarded as the starting point of modern organic chemistry. He has been dubbed "the father of organic chemistry". The synthesis of urea is not Wöhler's only claim to fame"........

She heard the doorbell ring, & decided to take the quiz before beginning the chapter. She heard a man's voice.....hello Mr Tingley.
She heard her fathers voice become loud and agitated......Get off my property & don't come back!!!!  I'll kick your ass if I see your face again!! 

Cindy got up & walked into the hallway. Her fathers face was beet red; daddy, who was it??  What's wrong??

Just some asshole, I told him not to come back.

Daddy, you promised me, you'd work on your anger issues!! Come on, you need to sit and lower your blood pressure. She sat her dad in a big lounge chair in the family room and pulled his slippers & socks off.
He had been getting ready for work; she stared at his small secondary revolver, in a holster, hung under his arm. Police work was dangerous these days.....

She watched the tension drain from his face as she massaged his always sore metatarsals and toes. Cindy heard him sigh, as she rubbed anti-inflammatory cream into his feet. Her fingers pushed hard as she stretched his arch. He groaned and said; Damn that feels good!!
Where's Maddy??

Down for her nap. She wants to go to work with you!!

Hank smiled & said; she'd hug everyone I arrest!!
She's the cutest & smartest little girl I've ever seen!! 

What about me when I was her age??

Of course you're included!! Hank said with a grin.
His face grew serious..... I know I was adamant about you ending the pregnancy, back when you told me......almost 7 years ago, but I can't imagine our lives without Maddie!!
Oh, btw, did I give you the $400.00 for this month,....yesterday??

Yes daddy, and thank you!!
I still can't understand how you can afford that every month.

Does it help??

It helps a lot!! I need to buy Maddy all new clothes, she's growing so fast!! My car needs new tires.

What about you Cindy, those 2 pair of jeans you're always wearing look old.  Buy yourself some new clothes!!

Daddy, I'm a single mom with a single salary; I have to be careful. You know I love you, but I want my own place, for Maddie & me!! Half the $400.00 you give me I put in the bank.

Well, if you're ever in a bind I can grab some overtime to help out.

Thank you daddy, but I need to be self suffienct.

Well a husband would be a help to you.

Daddy, I'm not interested in a husband.
Husbands get their wives pregnant.
I can't afford another kid.

Cindy changed the subject.....

Did Maddie show you her report card!!
Cindy asked.

Yes she did!! Can you believe straight 'A's in first grade!!
I'm so proud of my granddaughter,  and shes the smartest and the prettiest girl in the whole school!!
Do you have a date for this weekend??

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