Chapter - 8

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Shattered Dreams; she wouldn't even say good-bye.

A love Story ❤️❤️
By; mike hurley
Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 8 / 'Lyndy'

Caleb turned onto Front St and pulled up next to Soraya's home. She lived there with her parents, and was living at home this semester. She had an internship with Chinook Psychology Institute in south Calgary. Her days usually were filled with visiting patients in local hospitals and meeting with lots of doctors. Today she was completing evaluations on 3 new patients & creating new patient profiles with her suggested treatment.
Soraya's Professors reviewed her patient profiles and an established doctor confirmed her evaluations with patient visits as well. So far, with 29 patients, Soraya had been spot on with evaluating each one and both her Professor and clinic doctors signed off on her treatment recommendation plans. She was becoming a respected intern.

Soraya was on the phone, consulting with a patients cardiologist when she heard a knock at the door. She excused herself for a moment and opened the front door to her long time friend, Caleb O'Dell. Hey!! Caleb!! Long time no see!! Hi Soraya!! Caleb replied. She invited Caleb in with her trademark pretty smile. She had a warm and calm demeanor that put friends and patients at ease. Caleb, have a seat in the kitchen, there's cookies on the counter, you know your way around here!!
I'm just finishing a call for school, I'll be right there. She touched his arm and gave him a squeeze. They were old friends who trusted one another. Caleb once asked Soraya out years ago; she smiled, kissed his cheek and confidently replied, let's just be friends Caleb!! Your one of my favorite people, let's not risk that with going out together!! Caleb knew where he stood and smiled. Soraya was a classy lady, she saw the best in everyone but maintained healthy & positive boundaries. Caleb has always found Soraya beautiful & looked forward to the day he could dance at her wedding. Some lucky guy was going to marry a pretty, intelligent, confident, and caring woman. Caleb decided years ago when he someday met her fiancé, he'd whisper in the guys ear; you hurt her & I'll kill you!!
He was serious, almost. Caleb was dead serious who he chose for a friend, his loyalty and dedication to each of his few friends was as solid as the Grand Canyon.

He helped himself to 2 of Soraya's moms homemade oatmeal cookies and poured himself a glass of chocolate milk. He liked this house. Honest, loving people lived here. They were hard working and would help anyone. Soraya's father had taught him the intricacies of fly fishing.

Hey!!!!!! Soraya walked into the kitchen with another big smile and gave Caleb a huge hug. They were like brother and sister, helping each other out often. Sometimes hanging out for a movie or grabbing a burger at Maggies. They would do anything for each other. He broke his cookie in half and shared. Milk?? Sure she replied. He jumped up and grabbed another glass and poured her chocolate milk. They grinned and clinked glasses. To friendship!! Soraya said. Caleb smiled and replied, friendship!!! Secretly he liked her and would ask her out day or night. She reminded him of his mother, plus she was pretty and her cute female figure would easily please any man.

How's school?? Sucks!! But I love it!! Do you think I'll be in school when I'm 93?? she asked him with a grin..... absolutely and you'll still be the prettiest girl in the whole school. She laughed and tossed a chocolate chip at him.

So, Amy & Ty!! Caleb said with a sad smile. I bring news good and bad. Choose your poison. Soraya forced a smile and said, my heart aches for both of them Caleb. They're soulmates and they threw all that away!! They're both so stubborn!!
I know!! Caleb replied with a sigh. She wiped a chocolate milk mustache off her friend and said; ok...... I want the good news first!! Amid all my sorrowful patients today, I need good news Caleb!!

Ok, good news: Ty got a scholarship to a vet program at a highly accredited school; everything is paid for, except books and spending money!!

The bad news is he left Alberta!! Caleb!! Why?? Is the Scholarship in another province?? Soraya asked with a shocked expression.

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