Chapter - 69

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 69
'Love Inside the Fishing Cabin'
Written by: Mike Hurley

Amy was propped up in bed, wide awake with emotions she had never experienced before.
The man of her dreams just asked, an hour ago to marry her. His words were as romantic as the stars. He had chosen every word just for her.
Amy stared at her engagement ring and so wished she could tell Grandma Lyndy about it.

Amy heard the thunderstorm outside, rain pelted the little fishing cabin, but she felt so safe with Ty. The boy in the loft finally got the
horsey girl!!

Ty was sound asleep, his head nestled between Amy's soft breasts. But earlier, after they finished making love, Ty talked for almost an hour. Just like her, Ty's heart was full of new emotions and excitement. Amy was surprised at how much Ty talked about their children. He even chose a color for Lyndy's first dress.

As Ty chatted away, Amy watched his eyes, and his cute smile, and listened to his heart tell her things. Things from his past, and dreams of their future together. Amy giggled and found Ty so silly. Like when Ty told her about the time he borrowed a neighbor's canoe and paddled around a small city lake. He was 11, and a storm came & he paddled furiously for shore. As Ty described how the canoe was being bounced all around by the waves, he made her breasts bounce, so she'd understand.........

Tyler Borden!!! You just made that story up so you could play with my boobs!! They both laughed and kissed, and Amy wondered how life could be any better than this.......

She loved him so much!!

His mind had been busy, talking about train sets, and swing sets, baseballs, and doll houses.
He talked about school and how difficult next year would be. Amy was so happy she & Ty had figured out how to diffuse a fight; getting married seemed so exciting now.
They took 5 minutes and kissed again, Amy enjoyed feeling the strength in Ty.
His shoulders were powerful and comforting.

And of course, Ty wanted to discuss their upcoming canoe trip back to North Carolina. And how waiting to see Amy in her red bikini was slowly killing him.
Amy rolled her eyes; Ty was such a man sometimes!!

But Amy listened intently as Ty chatted on and on. She smiled and loved hearing his voice. This day was one of the best Amy had ever had; she felt so incredibly loved by Ty.

Amy pulled the sheet up over Ty and ran her hand through his thick hair. He was sound, sound asleep, the way a man sleeps after making love to his woman.
She watched his bare chest rise and fall.
He was beautiful.......even more so when he slept.
Amy gently kissed his forehead and felt for his pulse. This was the man who rescued Spartan and risked going back to jail, so she'd be happy,
This was the man who found her asleep in his GMC & carried her up his apartment's outdoor stairway & got her wet clothes off, helped her into the shower, and gave her a t-shirt to wear.

Amy gently rubbed Ty's back as he slept, and could almost feel Ty deep inside of her. He worked so hard to patiently give her pleasure. His hands enjoyed her breasts as Ty spilled his seed deep into Amy, just minutes ago. His moans filled her heart.
He gave her a warm feeling of fullness in her loins. Yet he loved the warm empty feeling Amy had given him. Their moans were sweet and romantic. A deep intimacy they both shared.

Amy watched Ty sleep, her breasts were a pillow for him. His leg lay nestled between hers and almost touched her entrance. Waves of desire suddenly washed over Amy's heart. She loved being intimate with Ty and watching his eyes every time he spilled his seed into her.
Her loins desired Ty the Sahara yearns for rain.

Amy reached down and touched Ty, she felt him harden & swell for her. In half a minute he awoke and kissed her breasts. His lips found hers and soon Ty began loving Amy again. They were soulmates connected in ways they never could have imagined just months ago...........
Their love was now as strong as gravity!!

Ty knew exactly what Amy craved. He satisfied Amy in ways new to her. She moaned Ty's name and clung to him............ He was 100% male and knew how to love her!!! Her moans were sweet to Ty's ears.

Ty caressed & kissed Amy's secret place, and watched as she lay her head back in sheer bliss. As Ty became one with Amy, he saw her eyes moisten with tears of joy, as she cried out his name, and curled her toes.......


In a little while, Amy helped Ty spill more seed and completely satisfied him again. His warm empty feeling felt so overwhelming to Ty.......he was almost floating on a cloud.

Amy laid her head on Ty's bare chest and fell sound asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
He looked about the cabin, as memories lined up in his mind......

.........Amy laying cold wash clothes on Ty's forehead and holding a cup of broth as she nourished his body. She fussed over him most of the night........checking his fever and helping him sip tea.

Ty gently played with Amy's long blond curls of hair, as the rain pelted the little cabin. But a warming fire popped & crackled in the fireplace.
Ty's eyes lingered on Amy's breasts and remembered the first time she let him touch them. They comforted Ty in ways only a man understands.

Ty......I'm cold!! Any whimpered. He pulled up the sheet and blanket and felt Amy snuggle into his warmth. Ty never imagined how wonderful loving Amy could be.
He pulled Amy tight and whispered,..... Shhhhhh!! Go back to sleep!! It's ok!! It's ok!!
We're going to spend the day inside......just you & me!! Ty kissed Amy's forehead and cherished her. He remembered visiting with Grandma Lyndy......."Cherish her Ty"!! Ty's hand gently circled Amy's hips & several tears came as he tried to imagine Amy giving birth 5 times.

I love you!! Ty whispered into Amy's ear.

Amy purred in Ty's arms & gently kissed his chest, as sleep fell like a silent curtain, peaceful and sweet. Amy nuzzled deeper into Ty.......he felt soooo good!!

Amy's first dream began shortly........they were in the fishing cabin with little Lyndy and young Jackson....... Their first two children.

Mommy!! I'm starving!!

I know!! I know!! We'll be eating in just a few minutes, Jackson!! Lyndy I need you to wash your hands and brush your hair. And help Jackson wash his hands too, please.
Lyndy, you're a young lady, not a pony!!
Lyndy laughed and galloped around the dinner table. Jackson chased her pretending he was a cowboy!! Come back here horse!! He yelled.

Lyndy......what did your mother ask you to do??
Ty asked.

Lyndy looked up at Ty and smiled. Yes Daddy, I'll wash up for supper & help Jackson.

And brush the straw out of your hair, young lady!!

Yes sir!! Lyndy replied as she headed for the bathroom.

Ty sliced up a beef roast as Amy made gravy.

She looked up at Ty, he had been watching her.
What?? She said with a laugh & returning Ty's gaze.

You're beautiful!! You are!!

Ty.......... I love you!!


To be continued.......

Edited by: Jim Clark, Ashton Baskette, and
Kimberly Heffernan

Shattered Dreams is
a 'Stories From the Heartland Loft' story and is based on the
CBC television series......Heartland.

Ty & Amy grow old together in these stories.

Watch for my new fiction book:
'Hope Valley Wyoming' coming soon to Amazon.

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