Chapter - 14

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Shattered Dreams
A love Story ❤️❤️ By; mike hurley
Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 14 / He called her name.......Amy!!!

Amy and Heath finished their lunch, they sat under an old & stately Norway Maple not far from the Sheep River. A slight breeze lifted Amy's long hair & tickled Heath's neck with it. They both smiled at each other and laughed. Both were a bit nervous and tense. Even with the help of several butterflies putting on a dance, bees busy buzzing by, and birds serenading them high above. Amy stared at her saddle bags on Spartan who grazed nearby. She knew there was no way she was going to put a condom on Heath. Her text to Soraya claiming her intent to give Heath what every guy wanted on a second date; evaporated instantly.

She had to do it......Amy smiled at him, leaned over, touched his face and kissed him. Heath pulled the lovely Amy down onto the blanket where they nervously kissed and were fretting what their hands should be doing. Amy suddenly became brave & unbuttoned his top shirt buttons, her hand exploring his chest. Heath was instantly aroused and slipped his hand under her top, circling her bra with the intensity of a bull waiting for the gate to open. Amy heard his breath increase and felt his heart beat faster. She knew starting a man's engine was a no return deal. She groaned no!! And sat up. I can't do this Heath!! I'm so sorry!! I'm so very sorry!! You're an attractive & delightful man, kind and considerate. But I'm not attracted to you!! This is so embarrassing!! Plus I broke up with a guy a few weeks ago, I thought I was over him.....  I see his face in my mind all day long. I'm sorry Heath!! I've been a fool, I've been desperate to be free from him.

Amy looked at her saddle bags again and sighed; I guess I had hoped if you and I had........then maybe......

Heath reached out and took her hand. Amy, I have no idea who this guy is, but men of great consequence, are not easily forgotten. He has ahold of your heart, and you must rise to the challenge & come to terms with him Amy!!  It's obvious he has a tremendous love for you!! Looking at your expression, I'd say he's engraved his name on your heart. You and him are but vessels passing in the night, but alas, he has boarded your ship & taken hostage your heart!!

Amy grinned then cracked up laughing; Heath how do you come up with this stuff??
I mean, your 'men of great consequence' & 'taken hostage your heart'!! Seriously?? What's that all about?? Heath grinned and replied; I'm British; that's what we say when we have no idea what to say!!

But Amy, seriously, I'd wager a mighty heavy bet, that your man is a man of consequence!!
If you don't believe me, ask your heart. Amy stared at Heath then looked up toward at an early moon high above. She wondered where Ty was. Amy hoped Ty still thought of her, and maybe couldn't fall asleep without looking at her photo. She whispered his name to the moon; ............Ty!!!!

Heath gently assured Amy all was well; Amy what if we just stay friends. I'm fine with being friends & please don't be put out, .........but I have a thing for brunettes. They both laughed and packed up their lunch gear and headed back to the Ranch. They laughed and had a delightful visit on the way down. Amy adored Heath as a good friend who was such a gentleman. They crossed Sleepy Creek  when Spartan began fussing. Amy stopped him and looked all around. Suddenly, she saw them . Galloping at full bore, Soraya and Caleb charged ahead to find and rescue their friend and stop their other friend from going too far with their first friend. It was all so confusing and laughter broke out among the 4 when Caleb asked Amy if she had her bra on. Heath stared at Caleb and said; good God man, what kind of a question is that for a lady?!! Soon they all laughed as Amy explained tactfully what had happened. She leaned over and kissed Heath's cheek; see we're just friends!!


The next morning, Amy was washing breakfast dishes, she rinsed a frying pan & set it in the drainboard, then glanced out the window & saw him.

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