Chapter - 9

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Shattered Dreams; she wouldn't even say good-bye.

A love Story ❤️❤️
By; mike hurley
Based on the TV series Heartland on CBC

Chapter 9 /  'Memories & Dreams'

Amy walked past the loft stairs, turned and kicked a grain bin. She had wasted 4 years of her life on him. She was angry and devastated. Tears formed in her eyes, they were going to open a business together. Customers would call Ty, ..........'Doctor'!! Dr Borden!! Now he was nothing but a loser!! Dr Loser!! She mumbled under her breath...... Blair wasn't even pretty!!

Amy thought of her imaginary court, and hurried to convict him............ she had presented a compelling case.

In the past few days, Amy held court in her mind. She was the prosecutor, jury, & judge. Her court had indicted Ty on multiple points. She had presented strong evidence, starting with; exhibit # 1, how devastated she was when Ty arrived home, & Blair sat behind him on his bike. It was a known fact, that Ty belonged to Amy. He was hers!! She presented photos as evidence!!

Exhibit number # 2 was another known fact:
Ty Borden was a man, and men had needs.

She addressed the imaginary jury, assembled in her mind.

The next fact: Ty's needs were met by another woman. Well, .......maybe Blair was a little pretty & had a mildly attractive figure.

Amy went on to present her case to the jury. Her feelings had been hurt, she had been humiliated by Blair parading herself all over Heartland for days. Ty even spent unsupervised time with her. They were alone in the barn, ........with the kiss.

Exhibit # 3: Ty admitted to kissing Blair, well, maybe, and sort of.

Judge Amy stood and adjudicated the verdict:
Guilty on all counts!!

Judge Amy and prosecutor Amy's thoughts left the courtroom of her mind and drifted back to a few months ago when she stood at her bedroom window and watched Ty wash his truck. He wore only blue jeans and tennis shoes. He was man enough to turn her on from 200 feet. Water droplets glistened on his broad, strong back, as she stared at his tiny hips & cute butt. She loved how tall he was and sighed, knowing he was strong enough to carry her up a flight of stairs. Amy wished she could sit and stare at Ty Borden all day!! He was gorgeous!!

Later, that night, Ty was putting the finishing touches on his truck, it was all shiny clean. Amy walked out in her pajamas & cowboy boots to spend the last minutes of her evening with Ty. She sat in the passenger seat & watched as he used Q-tips to wipe around the gauges. I think this truck gets more attention than I do, Amy whispered to no one in particular. Ty muttered under his breath; a little jealous are we?? He put his rag down & walked around the car. He gave her boots a quick shine, then reached in and picked her up.

Amy giggled, yawned, and asked; where we going?? You'll see!! Ty replied. He carried her up to his loft, through his closet and out the back inner door to the hayloft. She laughed and giggled as he fought to maintain his balance carrying her up and over shifting hay bales stacked 15 feet high. Several times she screamed when he tottered over & put a hand down. He opened the hay lofts big doors & a full moon greeted them with mellow, & soft light, as a gentle breeze blew her pretty blond hair into his face. An owl nearby hooted. Amy laughed and pulled her hair back, as Ty leaned down and kissed her for 10 minutes. He caressed her tongue with his. Their saliva blended together, it was a symbolic ritual, foretelling the most intimate coupling between a man & woman.  She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Ty still held her in his arms as they finished kissing. Ty closed the big doors and carried her back up over the hay and down into the little door at the back of his closet. Amy grabbed the door frame and stopped them. She kissed him 5 more minutes in the intimacy of his dark & small closet. 

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