Chapter - 50

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Shattered Dreams
Chapter 50 / Amy's intuition
By; mike hurley

Amy wait!! Please don't do this!!
I love you!! You know I love you!!

Ty, all I know is I about killed myself calling a billion damn vet clinics looking for you.
I stopped working, I barely slept, then I paid $867.00 to fly here and find you.
And I did!! I found you Ty!! It was my determination that found you. I took the first step to our reconciliation!!

What have you done, to strengthen our relationship Ty!!
Oh that's sold my promise ring!!

Amy turned and walked down the hill toward Jenny's.

Ty stood staring at Amy, bewildered that she knew he sold the ring.

How do you know that Amy......Ty whispered to the wind. He remembered how emphatic Soraya had been, that he talk to Amy about the promise ring.

Ty slipped his master key into the
Smokey Mountain Clinic and stepped inside.
He collapsed into a chair in the waiting room and told himself he was a failure, he made stupid decisions like his father.
Ty knew Amy wanted an engagement ring, but he couldn't afford it right now. He told himself he was a loser.
He felt like getting in his truck and leaving.

He'd continue on to New Brunswick; and start over. But he'd never date again; Ty was convinced he was incapable of maintaining a relationship with a girl. He was too much like his father.

Ty remembered Jacks advice from weeks ago.......

"Ty, life knocks us down, and it puts obstacles in our path; but a real man is not discouraged.
He uses his strength and intelligence to get back up and fight for what he wants.
Ty if you want Amy, you're going to have to fight for her love.
Loving a woman is never easy Ty, but when the whole world is against you;
feeling her hand slip into yours, priceless".

Ty stood and clenched his fists; he refused to run away again; he had promised Amy he'd stay and fight for their love. He refused to listen to all the negative thoughts pulling him down. He was a man now, and a man stood and fought for his family.
His family for now,.....was Amy, but Ty knew, they're love held the promise of children. He stared out the window at a family of ducks walking across the street. 

He watched as the mother led her 9 ducklings quickly across the 2 lane road. The father walked beside his family, looking all around for danger. He spotted a black cat sitting on a tree stump. The cat stared at the little ducklings as his stomach growled.
But the male duck rushed the cat, hissing and doing it's best to look scary. The cat rushed off & ran down a driveway & into a garage.

Ty knew he needed the determination of that drake. He'd go after Amy & not let her get away.

His dad had never fought for anything except his pride; his mom spewed her drunken vitriol all over Ty, too many times.

But Ty would stand and fight; he would fight a bear to show Amy how much he loved her.....

Ty believed he and Amy had a future together.
A family with children and someday grandchildren. A home with love and happiness, .....and horses. Ty would do anything to make Amy happy.

Ty Looked out the front window and watched Amy as she walked down the sidewalk to Jenny's.
The wind blew her pretty hair, he watched the cute sway of her hips as she walked.
Amy was his best friend, she was his lover, and he admired her work with horses.
He thought of waking up in the mornings with Amy snuggled up against him.

Ty watched Amy disappear into a grove of
Hickory trees. He whispered her name and walked into the storeroom.

Ty found a box, and quickly gathered the things on his list. He locked the front door and ran to his truck.
He wasn't letting Amy get away!!

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