Sparky Suprise

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“Wait! No, no, no, no, no no.” A loud bang echoes through the walls, and the faint light through the cracks go dark. 
Maya is busy entertaining herself with whatever she can do to fend off boredom at her desk when suddenly something pops behind her and the lone lamp in her room goes dark. She takes a while to find her phone but eventually manages in the dark. Maya is nearsighted already and the pitiful light level really doesn’t help her. 
Jenette’s head is still ringing… oh god he really did it. Her former pet mouse and trusty steed, Donny, had gotten a little too curious. He had bitten the wiring to an outlet. It reeked in those cramped walls immediately. Fried mouse was clearly not going to be a choice for food in her life ever, even if it was an option they would be a delicacy anyway with how hard it would be to cook one. Clearly whatever used to be going through that wire was enough to work though, Donny was burnt. She needed to get out of there, it was smokey and nauseating. She was used to working in the dark so she had no issue squeezing past the remnants of her fuzzy buddy to push the case off the outlet. Luckily for her something was plugged in, the case gently slid down the wire like a zipline, much quieter than if it had fallen and clanked on the floor. She dropped down onto a carpet with a thwump and tried her best to cough up all the toxic mouse air that had entered her lungs. Suddenly the whole world was suddenly no longer dark, it was so bright it hurt. Her personal spotlight moved off her face and more so onto her legs, which allowed her to see. She looked up petrified staring into the eyes of a towering… giantess? Slim waist, pink and fuzzy pants, definitely a girl. However she couldn’t really stare into the eyes of the thing in all honesty, the spotlight reflected off of her massive round glasses too much to be able to see what was behind them. Either way, Jenette was frozen in place. She had landed on her butt and was only propping herself up on her arms before the petrifying light had gotten ahold of her. The massive figure spoke up first. 
“H-hello?” The tiny just stared at her, thoughts racing but body unmoving, silent. “Are you why the power went off?” Maya tried to answer her own questions and panned her phone around, using the flashlight to light up the outlet. It was a gruesome scene. Everything on the mouse above the shoulders was nothing more than bone and air. The rim of fur on the edge of the bone was a deep black, burnt from the voltage that once travelled through him. “Oh… I’m sorry for accusing you.” Jenette was looking at the outlet with her now, the exposed teeth on the skull still clamped onto the wire and empty eye sockets would be a memory burned into her now. She decided before she goes and visits Donny she might as well try and talk her way out of being killed by this massive interrogator. 
“I don’t know what got into him, he just started running towards the outlet.” She turned back to at least speak to the giant face, sympathetic eyes watched her through the circular lenses. 
“Well don’t blame yourself.” Jenette was caught off guard by the words. The simply sentence really did shake her bones, she was expecting to be brutally murdered by the girl already. But the girl instead was preoccupied unplugging a cord, taking the outlet case off it, and plugging it back in across the room. As if by divine magic light returned to illuminate the full room, and the massive spotlight finally turned off. The actual giant woman, maybe 20 years old if she had to estimate, sat down in front of her. Criss-cross on the same carpet, they watched each other, a social stalemate. Jenette cleared her throat so prepare her body as much as possible.
“Hey… my ride exploded in your outlet.” She pointed to the mouse corpse without looking at it. “So I’m stuck. Trapped in here with you.” The giantess was disgruntled by her choice of words, disgusted, maybe just upset? It was hard to tell from the angle. The anticipation was killing Jenette, she couldn’t wait for a response. “Is that alright with you or will I…” She trailed off noticing how the big eyes adjusted and focused on her, it was scary in a cool way; clearly she had stolen a little bit of attention. 
“It’s a surprise but I guess you’re a welcome guest. On one condition.” It was going to be horrible wasn’t it? She could feel it coming. “I get to hold you whenever I want.” Jenette sprawled out onto her back and let out a long breath, she was scared for nothing. The scene caused her new hostess to giggle and soon they were both laughing. Maybe life outside the walls wasn’t so bad. However once she felt something cold touch her leg she immediately sat up. Just a guilty looking giantess retracting her hand, she needed some gloves.
“Wait, we skipped a step. What’s your name?” 
“Oh, I’m Maya.” Maya only realized after that she could have said anything and the girl probably would’ve believed her. But really the only funny name she could think of was “Frogness,” or maybe “Toad” like in Mario. But she was quickly brought back to reality and out of her thoughts.
“Mines bigger.” The tiny woman snickered about the fact.
“Oh yea?” The giantess was curious now, she was quickly liking the little intruder.
“Yea, Jenette.” She said it with certainty and authority. 
“You’re silly Jenette.” It sounded almost disrespectful, and the smirk on her face was insulting. “Jenette, may I pick you up?” She laid her hand out flat on its back in front of the legs of her new best friend. Jenette subsequently sighed, preparing herself. She stood up slowly and did a big stretch, reaching for the sky. She took a few slow and confident steps towards the hand, walking around to the side opposite of her thumb. She hesitantly placed her foot on the edge of the palm, it was very warm. Conversely Maya shivered a little, feeling the tiny cold foot. While bringing up her left leg onto the hand Jenette had misjudged how soft the hand was and tumbled onto her face as she lost her footing. It was her first time to be fair, a rookie mistake. Fingers quickly surrounded her and squeezed her tightly, in her mind this was the last thing she’d ever do. Soon she’d be killed by Maya, having walked right into her trap. She should’ve bit the hand that didn’t feed her while she had had the chance. She technically could still get a good bite on the thumb that was nearly smothering her but it was a little late for that, that would only make it worse. She was lifted into the air, she wasn’t really sure how high, her eyes were sealed shut so that she wouldn’t cry or see it happen. She had felt something warm press against her dirty hair, a few strands sticking to it as the feeling retreated with a “mwah. You can open your eyes, you’re alright.” Jenette in response shook her head from side to side, sending long hair in every direction. She was warm but shaking, terrified. For some reason losing her confidence as she thought her new friend who she had opened up to for the first time was going to violently murder her. Clearly Maya’s words had done nothing to reassure her, so she adjusted the girl into her palm as if holding the world's smallest baby. She used her freehand as some sort of warm, awkward, flesh blanket. Jenette latched onto one of the apparently very huggable fingers, apparently only cold at the tip.
“Please don’t murder me.” It was blunt and heart-shattering. Maya simply kissed the greasy little head another time and whispered. 
“I would never ever do that.” 
In the span of an hour one friendship was killed, and another was born because of it. Donny the mouse was given a proper burial, with headstone, not too long after. The headstone was fittingly tiny and etched by Jenette herself. Placed in a grassy spot the fuzzy guy would’ve loved had his curiosity not killed the cat’s prey.

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