Scaly Seconds

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Vanessa was very curious about what had snuck into her apartment. She really wasn't sure what it was, but something was trotting around. It was clearly small; the sounds were quiet and at some point it had gone by the fridge and tracked little water prints for about a foot. She rounded the corner to her bedroom and stopped in her tracks. There was tense eye contact between the 'normal' 5 foot 5 inch human, and the 3 inch humanoid sticking to Vanessa's wardrobe about 5 feet off the ground. 
It was super weird; a mix of clearly human parts with scales and large round fingers. She hung to the side of the wardrobe, tail hanging low and motionless. Vanessa slowly raised a hand and waved at the yellow bundle of confusion which had politely stopped its climb up her furniture. Yellow and scaly shifted her weight to the right and unstuck her right hand with a 'schplop' from the wardrobe; she wiggled her white palm right back at Vanessa. Vanessa straightened her back from its previous hunched and aggressive posture. What was this little thing? It didn't have boobs but was clearly a girl. It had no nose but was clearly human; the snout was pretty cute actually. It had 4 fingers, but they all had cling pads. Vanessa had to take a minute to breathe once she remembered the tail. 
However, she was alerted to a slap on the floor that was followed by many quieter slaps. She was running! It was a goofy run, more of a quick waddle. Vanessa knew there was no way out over there and literally fell over laughing at the silly little lizard. She still tried to contain herself upon the lizard's shameful return. Not only had she ran into a dead end but she was being mocked and knew it. 
"Don't look at me like that." Vanessa was still in a giggly mood but didn't like the silent sass she was getting. The look only got more annoyed. There was clearly a growing fury in the tiny girl until she snapped… or popped; she opened her mouth but only a pop came out. Vanessa curiously popped back. A choir of popping back and forth ensued until the lizard had mostly burnt herself out. 
Vanessa slowly reached over and poked the girl in the thigh while making a little fart noise. The girl tried to swat the finger away, but Vanessa only did it again. This went on for a while, both of them sitting on the floor, the smaller slowly scooting a little further each time she was poked. Until Vanessa was almost completely laying down and made a reach for the tail; she would learn this was apparently not allowed. Upon grasping the yellow-white tail the girl sprang up into action and squealed like a siren! Vanessa watched as she dove head first under the wardrobe… but Vanessa was still holding her tail. The detached tail still writhed a little in her hand, it was gross. Vanessa figured she didn't want it as much now that it was detached and gently set it in front of the dresser, just out of the shadows it created. The little lizard calmly walked out, hugged the tail, and walked back into the shadows. It would never go back on but it was comforting to hold. 
"Can I call you something? I'm sorry about your tail, but I figured now would be a pretty good time to get you named." Vanessa refrained from making a butt-pun considering the situation; it took a lot of self control. 
"If you don't stop hiding I'm gonna call you 'Milkwaffle.'" It was a tease as much as a threat. Vanessa had her bluff thoroughly called when she watched a tiny hand come into the light and give her a thumbs up before retreating. 
This little lizard was a bundle of fun; Vanessa liked her.

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