Fuzzy Buddy

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May shoved her way through the grass. There sure was a lot of it to slow her down. But at least the saying was right, the grass was greener on this side of the fence. The only thing keeping it from getting repetitive was the different noises the massive plant blades would make as they slid past one another, squeaks and squeals every time. But they all stopped once a loud sound caught May's ear, some flapping, with a lot of clanging metal. She turned around quickly, her backpack carrying more momentum than she had expected, she had packed her whole life in the thing. 
A massive blonde dog stared down at her. Worst of all, it was clearly a young dog, no spots or streaks at all, tail flapping wildly. May searched for an escape route but the thing was too low to the ground, and the grass too high, she was stuck! Thinking quickly she shot her arms into the air. 
"I surrender!" Quick thoughts did not exactly result in good ideas. The dog got in close and sniffed her hard and with ample curiosity; poking her in the stomach with a big, black, and damp nose. May tried her best to hold her composure and especially not to giggle. If she laughed it could excite the dog, and a playful dog was way more dangerous. 
She decided to just turn around and continue pushing her way through the yard, that mutt wasn't going to hurt her. That idea was a sound thought in her head until she felt a breath blow her hair into her own face. A second gust hit her and immediately after her legs lifted off the ground. "You stinky dog! Put me down!" She loved to look at dogs and watch their antics, but she did not appreciate this one that had lifted her by the backpack. Its breath stunk so bad, it was awful and was only made worse by the heat. She could feel whiskers on her neck, but she spoke calmly. "Hey, hey, put me down. Please? Big buddy I'd really really like it if you'd put me down right now!" The last of her words came out as a shout because she was startled as the dog started to carry her towards a house, at least she could see where she was going. She watched in bouncy, stinky horror as the fuzzy maw dragged her up to a large house before dropping her to splat on the porch. The golden-blonde retriever panted as it walked over to a water bowl and loudly started drinking. May meanwhile tried her best to recover from the ride and made sure to securely strap her backpack on, maybe that ride wasn't so bad afterall. 
But apparently the dog wasn't done with her at all, fuzzball was on a mission! The sopping jowls walked right up to her and bit down right behind her horrified face. It grabbed right back onto her backpack! Disgusting, now it was wet too, and all she could see was a soft and fuzzy throat. Enough rage flowed through her that May would've stabbed that throat if she could. But instead she dangled helplessly through endless hallways inside the home of a giant! "Please. I'm not a puppy, put me down. I'm not your puppy! Don't do this, put me down." She begged practically the whole way to wherever their destination was. 
It yet again dropped her without warning onto a carpet floor, letting her roll onto her back. Our tiny protagonist was definitely a little queasy from the ride. She rolled over and onto her arms in case she needed to throw up, just in case, a sad May hunched on the ground. She looked up at the dog and its stupid fuzzy face, "I hate you." The words came out slow and sick. That malicious dog didn't seem too bothered by the words, but they did receive a confused 'hmm' from above her. May let out a sigh and stood up fully, and looked for the source of the noise. Of course there was a humongous lady giant just watching her every move. She sarcastically thought of the best way to thank that dog for putting her in the worst possible situation. 
May broke eye contact first and fiddled with the lock mechanism on her backpack and slowly slid off the straps, then she threw the backpack at the ground and sat down, pouting next to it. "Just the worst day to be me huh. One minute you're all determined and hoping to find a nice place just to survive the heat and the next a dog drags you by the next like a harness all the way to your doom." April watched this strange little woman on her floor rant for a while, she was a funny little show, clearly Cotton had caused her some trouble. April rolled her office chair back and reached over to pick up the little thing. She gently reached out and surrounded it before she felt a sharp poke in her palm and pulled her arm back. "You stay back you giant! You have no right." May didn't even get up to stab the girl with her appropriately sized hunting knife, red on the tip. 
"And what gives you the right to stab me?" April questioned smugly, the wound was bleeding but didn't really hurt. 
"Self defense mostly… we both know I'm dead anyway." She looked down sad and packed her knife back up. April poked the girl in the chest slowly, "you wanna grab on? I can lift you up to my desk." May kept her hands firmly in her lap.
"Why would I want that?" April got fed up with her and just squeezed her into the grasp of her good hand, the fire inside her was gone, and she was wet. Nevertheless April wiped a clean spot on the tiny girl's forehead and planted a big kiss on it.
"You're stuck with me now. I'll be a good friend, you'll live." May looked up in confusion.
"The hell are you talking about?"
April cleared her throat. "I'm April, and I'm gonna adopt you." May's eyes lit up, she wasn't dead!
"That's funny, my name is May." This girl was clearly weird and had a horrible roommate but maybe this could be her new spot. April quickly smothered her new tiny buddy in a hug. She hated seeing people sad and she was very happy to have forcefully 'adopted" a tiny people, she was gonna make her so happy.

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