Sparkly Survivor

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Rachel was very confused. She'd been following a trail of glitter for several minutes with a handheld vacuum cleaner now and it was starting to hurt her back. There was just something very strange to it all. How did it get here? How did it travel so far? Why is it dotted for the most part? How does it go under the doorways? She just didn't have the slightest clue, but her hair was already in a bun so now she was determined to get to the bottom of this. This is the 4th door the trail has gone under, it was getting ridiculous at this point. She opened the door to the closet and began to suck up the rainbow powder that was almost caked to the floor. However something caught her eye and she turned off the vacuum cleaner and set it aside. Behind all the junk where the trail led was a tiny woman, blonde hair, blue eyes, only a few inches tall. She was shaking like she might explode and had tears in her eyes but not yet on her face. Rachel was shocked to say the least and just looked at her for a while… she was so sparkly, everything up to her waist and especially her little hands. Ms. Sparkles here looked terrified of her, but still managed to look away, only to sneeze up a big cloud of pink-purple fog. This adorable little, she didn't want to call her an idiot but they had clearly gotten into a bad situation that looked exceptionally goofy. Rachel properly sat down and crossed her legs, more prepared for what this little thing had in store for her. 
"So if I had to take a shot in the dark, like a, like a guess." She didn't want to confuse the girl with her fancy sayings. "Someone, not gonna name names or point fingers, seems to have fallen into a glitter bucket." 'Someone' looked awfully guilty of exactly that and looked down at the floor in shame. Rachel thought for a moment before realizing it probably wouldn't be that much of a bother to just take care of the poor thing, at least for a day. "Are you a little scavenger, just trying to explore when you went a little too far?" The tiny blonde nodded slowly. It made a little more sense why the trail had gone everywhere now, and it was longer in the pantry now that she thought about it. Rachel tapped the floor with her fingers twice. "C'mon, I don't bite. We gotta get you cleaned up." The tiny didn't seem to like her choice of words and was still shaking at the knees, she probably wouldn't get any closer. "If I feed you will you trust me?" The question clearly got her attention, but she shook her head slowly and motioned like she was swimming. "If I bring you to water! Will you trust me then?" The blonde shrugged, a fair enough answer. If Rachel were in that situation she wouldn't trust a giant very much either. Rachel leaned it and reached for her, only a few inches closer, and watched how the girl had flinched, closed her eyes, and continued to look away, cornered. "Here, I've got an idea." She began to rummage through the far side of the closet, making the girl jump occasionally when there was a loud noise. She pulled out a big luggage bag and set it on the ground, it had wheels at the bottom and a long strap for a handle. She patted the side of it as if it were a noble and mighty beast. "You ride on this, and I'll pull you to the kitchen. I can get you some water there and make you food if you want it." She assumed a position ready to pull the bag. The tiny woman wasted no time once Rachel had left her sight and pranced over to the bag, leaving a trail behind her. Rachel was gonna take the opportunity to lift her to the top of the bag but she climbed it in seconds, once again leaving tons of sparkly handprints all over the side. Bondy then positioned herself centered and comfortably on the bag, observing her own hands which would shed sparkles if she rubbed them together. "This will probably be super loud by the way, so brace yourself." Rachel pulled on the reins slowly so that the plastic wheels would begin to roll across the hardwood. Calling them reins was about accurate. That sick ride had about 1 maybe 2 horsepower on a good day, more than enough to make all the other tiny blondes jealous. 
Rachel wheeled them over to the kitchen and with some effort placed the bag on the counter near the sink. She liked to keep her counters clear in case she needed to put luggage on them. The tiny sat and watched as this giant ran circles around her just to get this little girl some water and have herself be comfortable, maybe she wasn't so bad. 
Soon there was a sizable tubberware pool placed gently in front of the bag. The tiny made eye contact and quickly jumped from the bag into the water, the splash wasn't too bad and it was adorable to watch anyways. As soon as she had hit the water, glitter started to unstick from her skin and clothes and she rinsed her throat several times, coughing occasionally. This was less of a matter of being thirsty or wanting to swim and much more about the thick film of sparkles the tiny girl was leaving on the surface of the water. Eventually she crawled out onto the clean white hand towel that had been laid out for her, she didn't get a single sparkle on it. 
"H-hey," the tiny girl coughed out her words, as well as a cloud of even more glitter. "Thanks, maybe you're not so bad." Rachel was touched by the words and her heart immediately melted for the girl. She reached out to hug or pet her or something but the sopping wet tiny held up a finger and looked like she wanted her to stop. "You keep your distance though." Now that her throat was clear the blonde spoke clean, clear, and stern. She continued to dry off from her all-clothes-on soapless bath. "Theoretically… if you made me some food maybe I could let you hold me." This girl was a class A manipulator and Rachel was absolutely going to make her food. It did shock her how well this tiny woman spoke, large words and lots of confidence. Maybe she was compensating for something and just got used to having to make up for it. Rachel quickly got to microwaving some pizza from the other night and setting it on the counter with a spin to impress the girl a little more.
Rachel was quickly impressed, shocked, and a little horrified at the speed the entire slice of pizza was demolished in. The tiny girl, who hadn't even introduced herself, patted the counter twice like Rachel had done to get her to come out of the closet. When Rachel laid her hand down on the counter, very excited to hold her new tiny friend, the blonde slumped into the palm of her hand and instantly passed out, mouth open. It was an adorable sight to behold and it was well worth the effort and the mess the way Rachel saw it.

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