Intimidating Bonding

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"You. Stop right there. Don't take another step!" Chloe shouted with a stern tone and a nasty scowl for an expression. It was the only option she really had left, cornered by this giantess who's legs would carry that massive body much faster than her own could go. The giantess was shocked by the orders given to her, but she smiled and took a quick step and then stopped. "Don't make me repeat myself!" Chloe realized she had said exactly what her dad would say when she was young. The giantess raised her hands as if they were claws and took another quick step with a devious look. Chloe was leaking confidence like a bad tire, her adversary could be upon her in seconds if she wanted to, and have her dead even faster. An idea came to her that lit a fire in her soul, press the offensive. With a finger pointed at the massive woman she copied the same form of step that was being used against her and leaned into it. "No, bad girl! Stop." The giantess gasped and took a small step back, hands dropping and very sad, it worked! Well, until she revealed that she was acting and giggled for a second as she folded her arms behind her back. The woman took another massive step towards Chloe, another, and another. Chloe cowered in the shadow of the looming behemoth overhead, she backed herself further into the corner and began to ball up. "No, no, you were supposed to stop…" she began to cry. 
It wasn't fun anymore. Athena had figured the tiny woman would have a little more fight in her than that, now she was on the floor crying over her own knees. This was just wrong, mean, excessive. She sat down crisscrossed in front of the tiny girl and waited patiently for her to calm down. She felt bad, she thought this one was fearless but apparently she was acting too. She slowly reached a hand down and, using her index finger, scratched gently at the base of the girl's small skull through her long orange hair. The tiny body had jumped when a finger touched her hair, and again when it pressed against her skin, but… but that did feel really good. She leaned into the scratches a little, relaxing her arms and uncurling from her ball of misery. 
"If I wanted you dead you would be dead." Athena's words made the tiny girl freeze and how she had said it made her feel like a mob boss. Chloe tried to look her in the eyes but mostly just tried to take in all the details of the looming face.
"You want me alive." She pushed the massive hand away, the hand let her; and sat down with her arms crossed. "Why?" She didn't ask it like a question, it was like she was interrogating Athena and wanted her to feel bad. Athena cupped the tiny face in the valley next to her thumb and curled her fingers around the girl's back. She lifted her in the air to her eye level, Chloe clawed at and held onto all she could get ahold of and struggled to breathe. 
"Maybe you're just too cute. Your confidence is wonderful, but it'll do you a lot of good to know your place. However, I want to know if you'd like to live with me maybe?" Chloe was flattered by the offer and the giantess was clearly blushing more but she was a little preoccupied being held off the ground by her neck, all she could manage was a scratchy "yea." Athena cupped her free hand under the girl's legs and scooped her up so that she could sit in her palm. 
"Thanks, sorry for… handling you. What's your name?" Chloe sat crisscrossed and leaned in a little, with a hint of smugness.
"Well now I don't want to tell you." Arrogant as ever she had got the feeling that big and scary wasn't actually going to kill her. In fact it seemed she was pretty soft, and Chloe quite liked that idea. Athena's face dropped into a scowl. But she got an idea, and stated her words plainly.
"Well alright, but you've only got about 10 seconds to change your mind." Chloe sat back up immediately, she wouldn't be dropped right? As fingers closed in around her the tiny heart in her chest only beat faster, she was gonna be thrown. Until another curveball hit her in the head as she watched Athena's mouth slowly open and woft a wave of hot breath over her. She went pale, terrified, petrified, one of her greatest fears before her eyes. Athena let her tongue slowly roll out and began to inch closer towards the tiny in her hand; but she stopped just short of licking her. Athena inspected the small girl, seeing she was absolutely scared out of her mind. Clearly she had to lighten the mood a little bit or this would go nowhere. She gently booped Chloe on the nose and declared that, "your pet name is now Hotdog." Hotdog was instantly brought back to reality and was not a fan of anything she had just heard. She especially not a fan of that stupid grin on that massive womans face. 
"Well actually, for your information my name is Chloe. But I'm sure that would make you Slobber?" Athena gripped Chloe in a fist and planted a wet kiss atop her small head.
"My name's Athena you little brat." She said it playfully but the words still stung a little. Athena on the other hand, was actually really enjoying herself, and it especially amused her to look at the big black mark on Chloe's hair from where her lipstick had smudged off. "Well… shortstack do you need anything?" Athena figured she should ask considering she was pretty set on keeping the little thing as a pet/slave/companion. Chloe sighed and with her arms still pressed to her sides by Athena's strong fingers she let her head drop.
"I need a nap… you wore me out tallstack."
"I could've done worse to you. Maybe I should have let you run and stalked you throughout my house." Chloe rolled her eyes and groaned a little. 
"Just kill me now please." It was a joke but she really didn't have the energy to be stalked and hunted. Well that and when she ran her feet made a little pitter-patter sound on hardwood and tile that Athena would surely coo at. Chloe just tried her best to stay distracted as she was carried around. It was honestly still extremely scary to her but she guessed that she would warm up to Athena. Athena sat down in a large chair and set Chloe on the armrest; Chloe let her legs dangle off the side. Athena opened a pack of m&m's she had been saving on the coffee table. In a gesture of friendship she offered the first one to Chloe. It was big, and a bright yellow that stained her little hands and she held it, and it was delicious. Athena handed her another thing as well; it was in all actuality a lens cleaner but it seemed about the right size to work as a blanket. Chloe appreciated it and loved how soft it was, she smiled for a moment before looking very confused. Athena was slowly rolling down her leggings. Athena then gently lifted Chloe and planted another kiss on her head before setting her down on the now exposed thigh. Chloe thought it was an awkward place to be but it was pretty warm, and she wasn't intruding she had been placed there! She got the idea and curled up into a ball under her new little blanket, and silently tried to sleep. That lasted all of about 4 minutes before she spoke up. 
"A-athena, I can't sleep… you scared me too much." It was completely true, her heart was beating loudly in her chest and even now she didn't quite feel safe. Athena spun the tiny girl around by her legs to get a better angle, and began to rub her back. She knew it made her feel better so surely it would make Chloe feel better. Chloe quickly lost all tenseness in her shoulders and was out cold in less than 5 minutes. It was a rocky start but Athena knew they would get along well.

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