Soft Feelings 1

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Hazel continued her endless march forward. A sea of tall carpet serpents slowing her down, the fibers were almost up to the top of her pants. Step after step was grueling that late, it was nothing new to her but it sucked when she was frozen and drowsy beyond reason. Luckily for her the bed was not ever in a proper fashion, a corner of the cover had fallen all the way to the floor. She would need to climb it bare-handed but she was traveling light. Hazel was rather skinny herself and all she had on her was her clothes and a soft blanket that barely stretched from her neck to her own feet. The blanket was tied and contorted around her torso in a similar way to a harness; and it was secured to her by a large ball of a knot on her sternum. She continued to climb up and up, not physically muscular looking but very strong, she would certainly make it. Her legs often dangled on the journey upwards but that didn't scare her anymore. She dragged herself over the smooth corner that was the edge of the mattress and gazed on at the mess ahead of her. A massive sprawled out woman she had come to be obsessed with. Even though Hazel had always hid and ran, everyone her size did, she was practically in love with this giant woman. Hazel has risked everything on occasion just to know a little more about her, about Tulip. It was a fitting name, Tulip was big but also gentle. She was soft, caring, and always looked so snug and warm. Even now while she was sprawled out and splayed across the bed Hazel could see the red on Tulips face in the dark, always warm. Hazel continued on, hardly any faster as she sank into the bed and blankets with every 'heavy' step. She stood next to a large, white, and monumental pillow; it was her last chance to turn back or abort her plan. A hand with the size to hold 7 of Hazel's whole body laid daintily before her, palm open to the ceiling above. She used the pillow for support and clawed her way as gently as possible into the palm. Circling like a dog until she found the angle that was most comfortable, she deployed her blanket and curled up underneath it. She felt safe and warm, protected, and fell asleep easily, a little ball that barely took up the palm in the hand of the person she was obsessed with and had become addicted to fantasizing over.

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