Cuddle Buddies

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Mia fished a bottle of ambrosia out of her backpack and downed the whole thing in seconds. It wasn't really the 'food of the gods' but it sure was some strong stuff that felt like it. Bright yellow, super runny, very oily, it would make so that you basically wouldn't feel fear or pain for hours. She left the backpack on the wardrobe and started making her way to the bed. Which was much easier said than done, she was only about 3 inches tall. Yet still, she was strong, experienced, and on a very powerful bottle. She climbed the comforter using just her hands, supporting her entire body weight fistful after fistful that she took of the wall of cloth. Once she reached the top she had realized just how close she was to the giantess that owned it, a massive mound from the bottom of the bed, to the messy hair that exploded out of the top. Apparently she had fallen asleep with a hand on her chest and another by her head, like she was giving a speech or a vow. Mia did not care so much, she climbed right up the side of the blankets covering the massive woman just as easily. Slowly, confidently walking up her body, legs sinking in after each step. She stopped at the massive hand, resting and supporting herself on it, panting. This was really her end goal anyway, she got on her side and pried open the slender fingers that cupped everything but Mia herself. She had to fix that problem and wedged herself in, the hand flinched and jumped but in the end it wrapped around the small girl. Mia felt safe, in an ironic sense now that she couldn't feel fear. But she was warm, protected, comfortable, sleepy, and could cuddle up to these cozy fingers. 
She hugged and squeezed the life out of those fingers, sleeping on ambrosia caused bad nightmares. Mia quickly shot up and screamed, not even remembering what she was afraid of but knowing she was scared. Either way not only was it loud but she had hit her head on the way up… realization hit her as the whole world around her began to rise. The hand scooped under her as it became the floor, leaving the air above her wide open, and cold. Mia just had to play it cool, she yawned, and stretched, and laid down across the warm hand that held her. She even planted a little goodnights smooch on the palm, trying to convince it in that dark room to just go back to sleep. No this was insufferable, she got up, grabbed the thumb of the hand and curled into the palm. Mia wrapped her legs around it and squished her face into its warmth. 
A warm breeze hit her back, but she ignored it, more came but again and again she ignored them. Until the 7th one where she stood up on the hand and shouted at the face hanging overhead, "what do you want?" She barked the words loudly for those big ears to hear it. The effects of the ambrosia were well off at this point, her heart was pounding but she was a great actress. 
It was as if the sky itself responded, "I should be asking you the same thing little man." She was much less acting now, and much more genuinely angry. 
"I'm a woman!" She stamped her foot down on the hand that held her like that would help her case. It wasn't meant to help her anyway, it was just a little thing she did naturally when she was angry. The silence after was awkward, clearly something had to happen. She spoke much more softly this time, "I'm tired, tired of it all. I don't even have food anymore, and frankly I thought I'd die in my sleep in this bed sooner than that would become my problem." After the words had finally squeezed out of her she sat down on her butt, defeated. Not actually defeated in a battle but mentally she was done. The shadowy figure above her thought for a while, a very long time, maybe she had fallen asleep upright, or maybe the anticipation was getting to her. Until finally it yawned and spoke in a gentle tone. 
"Okay, but this time no screaming." This confused the brains out of Mia, what did that mean? They were just gonna go to sleep but together this time, they were practically strangers. But the hand cupped around her and the titanic body went to rest, holding Mia against her chest whether she liked it or not. Luckily she very much liked it, that sleepy giantess had listened, and she had unrestricted access to those warm cuddly fingers that she had quickly grown to love. In the end it seemed she just needed a buddy to perform a very cuddly 3-hand-hand-holding session that made it all better. 2 tiny arms and 2 more tiny legs all wrapped around sleeping gently on a finger that was almost stronger than every muscle in that little body combined. But they got along fine, at least for the night. The morning would be awkward but they were both already asleep so that wasn't a concern just yet.

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