chapter 8: motion sickness

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Right now all the people were getting on the bus "the 2nd year bus is full!" They said which worried y/n since she was the only one who didn't get a seat.

"Um but where am I gonna sit?" She asked the teacher and the teacher got into thinking too but then another teacher came in and said "There are some seats in the 1st year bus. You can sit there."

And so here I/n y/n was, in the 1st year bus sitting next to the prince charming of the first years, Komi Shousuke. "Hi!" She greeted him with a big smile on her face. Which also made the boy in front of her want to smile too but he held it in.

"Mind if we change seats? I get motion sickness so...." she trailed off embarrassed, but he did give her the window. They were 30 minutes in and well things weren't going well for y/n. Yep her motion sickness was kicking in..

The 1st year didn't seem to notice it though. Y/n was trying her best to hold it in but nah she can't. So hurriedly she took a plastic bag out of her bag.

This got the notice of Shousuke and well the next scene he witnessed, was not pleasant to watch..

He mentally made a note to NEVER sit beside her in the bus..

" oka-"y/n tried to say but uhh let's say her motion sickness said otherwise.

And after 5 minutes of her throwing up, her motion sickness finally gave her a break. Now she was all tired and just wanted to sleep.

'I should sleep since it's gonna take at least an hour more. Plus who knows when that motion sickness of mine starts acting up again.. The 2nd year thought before falling asleep.

Shousuke stared at the 2nd year girl to see if she's okay. 'She fell asleep..' he thought to himself.

Sometime later he felt something on his shoulder, He looked at what it was.. it was the h/c haired girl. Her head was lying on his shoulder.




After 5 minutes of staring holes at her while also thinking of whether he should let her be or move her, he decided to let her be.

Maybe sitting next to her isn't that bad...

✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧


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