chapter 16: indirect kiss

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The next day has arrived and all the students have eaten their breakfast and are getting ready for the activities.

Y/n, praying it would be something simple so her leg can get a rest and she can enjoy it too.

And lucky for her, it was the beach day, Which also means hot abs!.

Both Hitomi and y/n high-five each other with a yay! But her happiness went down the drain when she realized her swimsuit is too tight on her since it's from junior high...

But Agari got her back. "Thanks a lot Agari chan!" Y/n thanked her and went into the restroom to change into the swimsuit Agari gave her. "Got you!" Y/n yelled as she pushed the button of the water gun. The water from the gun hit Otori, making her out of the game.

"Ah I'm out" Otori turned towards y/n in a slow-motion just to realize the girl was already gone.

'Otori, Chiarai, and Onigashima are out so that means 15 are left' y/n counted as she kept moving on.

Right now all of them were playing, whoever got hit from the water gun is out.

[Agari is out!] They announced.

"14 more then" y/n thought as she was walking but she heard some voices so he hid in the cave that was close by.

In the cave, she showed something shiny by her leg so she bent down to get it, and someone from behind hit her with the water making her out of the game.

She looked behind her to see the prince charming of the school. "Aw c'mon! Shousuke I thought you weren't serious about this" the teen pouts.

Shousuke ignored her and went out of the cave only to get shot by Hitomi. Y/n blasted out laughing saying 'he got the karma' while he only death glared at her.

And since the both of them are out, y/n thought why not eat something and so here they are eating some ice cream.

"What flavor did you get?" Y/n asked Shousuke but in response she got none. It seems like Cookies & Cream.

"Can I try some?" She asked as she intense stared at his ice cream. "I will give you some of mine too" She tried to convince him.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" She gave him the puppy dog eyes, In the end he agreed. She opened her mouth with "aahh" but Shousuke only stare at her clueless or he seem to be. "Feed me," she said then opened her mouth again.

He blinked a few times then looked around and then finally fed her. "O- It's good!" She exclaimed as she looked at him with a sparkle in her eyes.

"That's an indirect kiss" Najimi popped out of nowhere to give the 2 teens a jumpscare.

After processing what Najimi just said, y/n's face turned 100 shades of red. "It's not!" she yelled and punched Najimi in the arm. Hard.

"Ouch!" While Najimi died in pain, y/n walked away in embarrassment while Also leaving a kinda blushing Shousuke behind.

✎ ∙︓⋅⠄✯∘⠄✧


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