I'm mad at Mrs. Howell right now

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"Oh, Professor, do tell me, what is all the screaming about? It's been giving me a terrible headache!" Mr. Howell complained to the Professor, who was a bit more focused on something else.

"That rock and roll band with the ridiculous hair named after a bug is on this island, or something. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm very-" The Professor waved his hand, shooing Mr. Howell away.

"You dare shoo a Howell? Why, that's- heavens, did you say that a rock and roll band is here on this island? Oh, how ghastly horrid. I tremble at the thought of any rock and roll band in the midst of a Howell! Oh, this is an outrage! What band did you say it was? Named after a bug?"

"Yes, The- um, Beatles. Now please, Mr. Howell!"

Mr. Howell went back into the hut he shared with Mrs. Howell. "The Beatles!?! Of all the bands, it just had to be them! Oh, heavens! Oh, Lovey!"

"Oh yes, darling, what is it?" Mrs. Howell set down her petit pois embroidery.

"You will not believe who's on this island!"

"Oh, who, darling? Melissa Vandemere?"

"Unfortunately, no. That preposterous band- Th-The Beatles!"

"That horrid band with that awful, long hair? Oh, really, darling." 

"I'm not joking! This is preposterous! Absolutely preposterous!"

Mrs. Howell got up from her seat and began looking through drawers.

"Lovey, what on earth are you doing?"

"Thurston, the first time I ever saw a picture of those men, the first thing I said was, 'If I ever meet them, there's only one thing I need.'."

"And what is that?"

Mrs. Howell pulled out a pair of scissors and smiled.

"Capital thought, Lovey!"

(I'm sure many of you are mad at Mrs. Howell, aren't you?)

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