Chapter II

613 27 47


Location; Evolution Sever

POV; Grian

The sun's warm rays shone down across spawn. The small circle of tents being hit the most by the rays of golden light.

It was early in the morning, about 8 o'clock.

I awoke to the sound of people talking and laughing and too the smell of breakfast. I headed out of my tent to go and join them.

I looked over to where the sound was coming from and saw the whole server by spawn. They all had gathered around the fire which Pearl used to make pancakes for breakfast.

I stretched my arms above my head and yawned. I walked over to the others who were sitting around the campfire from last night. I assume BigB must have re-lit the fire.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Solidarity says to me.

"Haha, very funny Timmy." I say back

"You're just in time for breakfast. I've got pancakes and bacon already cooked up and ready to eat." Pearl says.

I smile and walk over to the group.

Suddenly, a cold breeze comes in and gives us all a shiver. The fire that Pearl was using goes out without a wink.

"Well that was odd." I say, a frown forming on my face. I look around the area for anything odd.

It continued to feel chilly even with no wind, not even a light breeze.

I look up to see the sun had hid behind clouds casting a shadow across the server. Something was wrong with the clouds though, they looked like they had a purple shimmer going across all sides.

I look over to SystemZee who had been looking up at the sky as well. We made eye contact, both of us silently acknowledging that something bad was going to happen.

I look away from SystemZee and look at the other Evolutionists just as I hear Pearl say something about something fishy going on.

She sighs, and stops trying to relight the campfire and starts to walk over to me. She stops though, half the way from the fire to me. The blood in her face draining away making her pale dramatically.

"What?" I say looking at her quizzically.

She opens her mouth to say something and raises her hand to point behind me but is rudely interrupted.

"Ah, don't worry about her. She is just afraid of me. I suppose seeing someone emerge from the shadows behind one of your friends can be quite frightening."

I turn around sharply, and look up at the creature before me. 'A Watcher, how did a Watcher get here?' I remembered learning about Watchers in Admin school. 'We, the Admins, are currently at war with them.'

"How did you get in my server and why are you all here?" I growl at the Watcher.

"Straight to the point I see. Well, I hacked into your server to answer the first question, which was quite easy I might add. And to answer your second question, I came here for you, but it's just me."

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