Chapter IX

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A new beginning

Location; Watcher Academy

POV; ⊣∷╎ᔑリ/ Xelqua

I awake with a groan and sit up slowly in my bed.

There is a dull pain in my head, but I can't remember why.

I scoot myself to the edge of my bed, putting my feet onto the floor. I sit there for a moment then realize that something is off.

I reach my hand up to my face and feel a mask there. Not just any mask though, a Watcher mask.

I stand up carefully and walk over to the mirror in my room.

I look at my reflection and sure enough, I have on a Watcher mask just like all the others.

I shrug it off, 'I probably don't remember getting the mask because I was tired.'

I wall over to the door of my room and open it. I dont know why, but I have the sudden urge to go and inform Prince Aiden that I have awoken.

I walk out of my room and followed the corridors all the way to Prince Aiden's office.

I pass a few other Watchers on my way  there, they turn to look at me for a second, go wide eyed, then hurry off to wherever they're headed.

I ignore their behavior and assume it is because they fear me now that I have accepted my full potential as a Watcher.

'Really, others should be more grateful of the honor it is to be one.'

When I arrive at the doors to Prince Aiden's office, I knock.

There is a moment of silence before someone calls "Come in".

I open the door and walk up to the desk at the back of the room.

There was tall bookcases along the back wall of the room. With windows leading to the void on the side walls.

As I approach the desk the Watcher, who is Prince Aiden, stands up and walks infront of his desk.

"I see that you have accepted your role here. I'm glad that we're finally on the same side now." He says, smiling.

I nod my head in agreement and Aiden reaches his hand out to shake mine.

We shake hands then Aiden walks over to one of the corners of the room where a couple of chairs were.

He gestures for me to follow him and sit in one of the chairs across from him.

"You're probably very confused right now as to what happened. Do you recall any of the events that happened?" Aiden asks me.

I think for a moment about what happened but it's all blank, nothing but darkness.

"No, I don't remember." I say to him.

Aiden nods his head, then explains. "You were injured in an attack with the Admins a few days ago, I was able to heal you with my magic but you apparently didn't recover from your head injury."

"Oh" is all I say in return. I look down at my hands and notice my Watcher mark is purple now instead of Blue.

Aiden follows my line of sight and makes a slight hum noise.

"I raised your magic level in the healing process. You're wings will grow in sometime during this next month or so." He says to me while waving his hand in the air, and rolling his eyes.

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