Part 6 - You Are Hired!!

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Sana kept observing Sidharth the whole day while she read few books. Most of the time, he would be listening to the radio when there were no customer. The employee who worked was also yawning most of the time. Sana was virtually banging her head into an imaginary wall.

By the end of the evening, Sidharth was continuously glancing at the watch just the way a student looks at the clock during the last lecture hoping to go home.

Exactly at 5pm, he walked up to Sana and spoke with smile.

"It's closing time, shall we leave?", Sidharth asked.

"Hmmm..", Sana said in a disinterested tone.

He is talking as if he would be going to a happening party.

She followed him to the car while the employee locked the closed shutter of the book store.

"Do you want go home or park?", He asked.

"Park!", She replied.

He nods his head and drives to the park where she observed him looking at the people around who were happy.

"Sidharth, do you like going to the bookstore?", She asked

"Hmmm..", he hummed..

"What do I consider the 'hmmm..' to be? Yes or no?", She asked again.

"I told you that it's my family business so I am just continuing it on my father's wish.", He said.

"Where does he stay now?", She asked.

"He is no more.", He said.

"I am sorry. So does that mean you don't like going to the bookstore?", She asked.

"Yes, I don't like going to the bookstore but it's my job, I have to do it.", He said as he was compelled to answer by her continuous question probing.

"Who said you have to do it? You can always change your job. It's not a part of your body which you can't do without or change. The person who left you business has already left you and you are still struggling with the same old business. Nobody can torture you unless you wish to get tortured yourself. You are strangulating your dreams sitting in that old bookstore.", She said.

"It's not so easy Sana. I have a life experience. Chase your dream, work for passion and think about self happiness. I am not in my 20s or 30s, I'll be 50 next year. What do you expect me to do, close my bookstore and work in radio company? Firstly, I don't think anybody would give a job of an RJ and secondly, closing book store will never happen because I have a loan to repay. I know the bookstore isn't giving me that much income but atleast I am able to repay the loan.", He says.

"What kind of loan?", She asks shocked.

"It was for Shreyas. His education loan which first I took it for his graduation and then additional top-up for post graduation. For his expenses, stay and travel.", He said.

"Can I say something?", She asks.

"Yes", he says.

"You never showed him your burdens. So he thinks you are happy. If he doesn't consider you to be his family, why would you repay his loan? Moreover, once the student starts earning, bank expects them to repay their loan themselves. If I am not intruding into your personal space then I want to suggest that let bank know that he is earning and collect the debts from him.", She says.

"I don't do everything for money Sana. Is it right on my part as a father to do like that?", He asks.

"What's wrong in it? Is it right on his part to do what he is doing with you? Tomorrow if something happens to you, he wouldn't even be here with you, he will sell off the house, bookstore, repay loan and go back abroad. Let him take proper responsibility now and make him realise what you have been doing for him.", She said.

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