Doorstep Delivery

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It was a cool, fall night in Surrey. You wouldn't know that on this very street something magical was about to take place. For typically, it was a very ordinary street. So much so, that all the house's on the block all looked exactly the same. Making it a very ordinary place, where nothing weird or magical had ever happened and the residents who lived there liked it that way.

An owl let out a soft hoot in the brisk night air, from the street sign that read: PRIVET DRIVE.

A tall, elderly man with crimson colored robes, tiny half moon spectacle glasses that hung on the end of his nose and a long silvery white beard, walked out from the forest to that very same street. He walked along the already dimly lit road, going past a strange cat that sat near a shed, staring at him, unmoving.

The man pulled out a strange looking device from his cloak pocket, called the deluminator, a device of his own making. He gave it a simple click and the lights from the lampposts disappeared, transferring into the device. As he put the deluminator back in his pocket, the tabby cat meowed at him, causing the man to let out a light chuckle.

    "I should have known that you would be here... Professor McGonagall." The man smiled softly.

The regular looking tabby cat, sprung up forth from her spot and transformed into a older woman. She wore a stern expression on her face, emerald green robes on her body, very similar to the elderly man beside her, with a pointy hat on top of her head.

    "Good evening, Professor Dumbledore." Professor McGonagall greeted him gently. Her face contorted to one of sadness. "Are the rumors true, Albus?" She asked the man curiously.

    "I'm afraid so, Professor. The good and the bad." Albus answered her sadly as they walked along the quiet and darkened street.

    "And the children? The boy and the girl?"

    "Hagrid is bringing them."

    "Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" McGonagall questioned her dear friend, with a raised brow.

    "Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life." He explained with a gentle smile, that graced his lips.

On the once quiet street, came a sudden roar of a vehicle. Though, it was not an ordinary vehicle. The two adults looked into the sky to see a flying motorcycle coming down towards them. It landed with a small bump on the pavement and skid slightly up the road with squealing breaks. Stopping just before the two Professors.

Another man, though much larger than the other two or any ordinary human, climbed off the motorcycle and removed his goggles. He was a half giant, with shoulder length black hair, a black beard, and the kindest eyes you could ever meet. Though, he certainly looked intimidating, he was a lovable, kind, sweetheart.

    "Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall." Hagrid greeted them with his rough voice, giving them a smile.

    "No problems, I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked him as he climbed from the bike.

    "No, sir. Little tykes fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol." Hagrid walked towards the teachers and gave them each a grin while he reached into his large coat and removed one of the children from their cuddled position in the carrier he wore to protect them on the ride. "Heh, try not to wake 'em. There ya go." Hagrid handed the first of the small children to Professor Dumbledore. He reached inside his warm coat for the other and handed her to Professor McGonagall.

They each took a moment admiring the small children in their hand's, as if they were the brightest light's in the world. The boy, named Harry, had a head full of unruly black hair, and underneath his peacefully closed eyelid's were green eyes that matched his mother's. The girl, named Olivia, had similar facial features to her twin brother, but she had beautiful strawberry colored locks, and under her closed eyelids, hazel eyes that matched her father.

  "Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving them with these people? I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of muggles imaginable. They really are..." McGonagall expressed her concerns as they walked forward towards the door. She looked at the girl in her arm's and sighed as the Professor interrupted her.

"The only family they have left." Dumbledore answered her simply, finishing her sentence.

  "These children will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names."

"Exactly. They'll be far better off growing up away from all of that. Until they are ready."

Dumbledore and McGonagall took one last look at the sleeping children in their arms and carefully bent down, laying them on the front door step of Number 4 Privet Drive. Dumbledore laid a letter between the two children as they snuggled closer together through their blankets. Hagrid stood behind the teachers watching, and gave out a small sob. Though his time with them had been brief, he'd still grown rather attached to the rascals.

"There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all." Dumbledore explained with a soft smile.

Hagrid cleared his throat and gave him a small nod in return. The three cast their final glances at the children, that laid unaware of what their futures would hold, as they slept in their soundly slumbers. They took immediate notice of the small lightening bolt shaped scars that rested on opposite sides of the children's foreheads. The only mark that they had received on this sad and yet, joyous day.

"Good luck... Harry and Olivia Potter." Dumbledore bid them goodbye leaving with Professor McGonagall and Hagrid.


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