The Mountain Troll

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A couple of days had past and Hermione was ignoring nearly everyone. She let me talk to her a few times, but mostly I felt like she didn't want to associate with me because of my brother and Ron. I had scolded Ron many times about being so mean to her and he never let the charms incident go. I do think he was finally starting to feel badly as I started to ignore him too. He got the point to say the least that what he was doing wasn't very nice.

It was almost dinner time and Hermione became upset again. She rushed off after class and I followed after her.

    "Hermione." I said softly as I entered the bathroom.

    "I-I'm fine, Olivia. Please, just go away." Hermione sniffled inside her stall.

I thought about it for a minute but I was done giving her space. I hated seeing her so upset. This time it was caused by Lavender.

    "No." I stated firmly and stood outside her stall. "I'm not leaving. 'Mione."

    "Olivia." Hermione groaned.

    "No, don't listen to what everyone else is saying. You are one of the brightest witches of our class. Except maybe me, of course." I joked and I heard a slight chuckle. "Come on, please, let me in. Lavender was being a jerk saying you don't have friends because you're a know it all. Sure, you can come off a little strong but I love that about you."

    "Y-you do?" Hermione sniffled again and I heard the doorway click. She pulled it open slightly and I looked in to see her eyes were all red and puffy. I gave her a soft sympathetic smile.

    "Of course I do. Come here." I hugged her tightly after she opened the door all the way. She began to cry into my shoulder and I shushed her. "I'll always be your friend, Hermione Granger. I'd like to think your my best friend, and I will be if you let me." I smiled as she looked up at me.

    "Oh, thank you, Olivia. I think of you as my best friend as well." She sniffled.

We sat in the bathroom allowing her to get all her emotions out before heading out to grab some dinner.


I sat at dinner in the Great Hall, it was Halloween and the decorations were wicked. The sky in the ceiling was spooky as it was filled with cloud and light thunder and lightening, floating jack-o-lanterns were above our heads instead of the usual floating candles. Dinner had finished and now the tables were filled with all sorts of Halloween treats. I grabbed some biscuits and put them in my pocket because I hadn't seen my sister all through out dinner. She would never just give up a meal without good reason.

    "Where is she?" I mumbled to myself. I then noticed that there were two empty seats next to me.

    "What?" Ron asked with his mouth full of food.

    "I was wondering where Olivia and Hermione are?" I furrowed my brow as I asked. Concerned about my sister and her friend. Hermione was a lot to take in but she meant well, I also started to think of her as my friend.

    "Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girls bathroom. I think they said Olivia refused to leave her in there alone. Because Hermione's been in there all afternoon, crying." Neville whispered to me, giving me the answer I was looking for.

Now I really felt bad. I glanced at Ron giving him a disapproving look. Ever since he started having problems with Hermione everyone else seemed to be comfortable enough to speak out at her. Ron looked down and shrugged slightly. I knew he felt bad too. Before I could even think about trying to go find them, the Great Hall doors burst open and in came running professor Quirrell.

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