The Hogwarts Express

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Hagrid dropped the two of us off back at home at Privet Place. The Dursley's had returned there. It was almost as though we were invisible. Which was a nice change, but did get a bit depressing after a while. At least Harry and I had each other to talk to and our new owls. Harry had named his Hedwig, after finding the name in his History Of Magic book. We both had been studying and ready through the books we had just gotten. Well, more me than my brother. We were both equally excited to start school though. I named my sweet girl, Arwen. A name I thought fit her beautifully and it was from my favorite story book.

When September 1st came 'round Harry and I had owled Hagrid a few days prior to tell him the Dursley's refused to bring us to King's Cross Station. They were still dead set on us not going. But, once Hagrid came to bring us they had no more arguments left in them, afraid of what he would do if they didn't allow us to go. Harry and I had hardly gotten a wink of sleep in our bedroom much to excited for what was to come.

We walked alongside Hagrid over a large bridge connecting to the platforms.

"What're you lookin' at?" Hagrid growled at one lady as we walked by. She had been staring at him since we came into view. Hagrid checked his watch and gasped. "Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, Harry, Olivia, I'm gonna have to leave you two. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your tickets." He handed us both a pair of shimmer tickets. "Stick to it, Harry and Olivia. That's very important. Stick to your tickets."

Harry and I glanced down at our tickets. It stated London to Hogwarts for one way travel. But the most curious thing was in big golden letters. Platform 9 3/4. I furrowed my brow.

"Hagrid, there's no such thing as Platform 9 & 3/4's. It has to be a mistake. Right?" I asked and as I looked up I realized Harry and I were standing alone. "Uh, what do we do now?"

"I, uh, guess we go look for the platform?" Harry suggested. I nodded in agreement and we both pushed our trolleys along.

We walked up and down the platforms keeping an eye on the clock and never finding a platform that said 9 and 3/4. I began to stress slightly and Harry rubbed my arm.

"Maybe we should just ask." Harry pointed to a conductor who was giving directions to some other people. "Excuse me! Excuse me!" He called out. "Excuse me, sir. But can you tell my sister and I how we might find platform 9 3/4?"

"9 3/4? Think you're being funny, do ya?" The conductor scoffed and walked off away from us.

"Great, just great. Now what?" I complained.

As Harry was about to answer me, a family walked by us with the mother in front. She was a short, plump little woman with darker red hair then mine. All the children following her, a girl and four other boys, seemed to be red head's as well.

"It's the. Same year after year. Always packed with muggles, of course." The woman exclaimed.

"Muggles?" Harry and I said quietly to each other.

"Come on, let's follow them." I whispered and he nodded. We rushed off after the family.

"Platform 9 3/4 this way!"

We stood a little bit behind the family as they stopped in front of platforms 9 and 10. Watching them curiously. The woman looked very kind as she turned around and gestured to one of her sons. 

"All right, Percy. You first."

The boy named Percy walked forward and lined himself and his trolley up at the wall. We both watched and gasped slightly as he disappeared.

"I thought he was going to crash... Did you see that too?" I asked incredulously.

"Yep, I definitely saw." Harry nodded furiously. "I thought he'd crash too... How did no one else notice?" Harry asked as he looked around.

"I have no idea." I whispered.

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