Diagon Alley

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Hagrid climbed aboard the row boat we had used to get to the cabin at sea and he helped the both of us climb inside with him. He took off his thick black coat and wrapped it over our shoulders.

    "Don't mind if it wriggles a bit... I think I still got a couple o' dormice in one of them pockets."

Harry and I nodded, not caring, just happy to be warm. Hagrid asked us not to tell if he sped up the boat again. Of course, we agreed because we were just fascinated to see more magic. We quickly made it to the other shore, and then Hagrid took us to the subway. He got many stares, seeing as he was a very large man. But nonetheless it didn't seem to bother him much. As we took our seats I was looking over the second piece of paper that came with the letter that showed everything I needed for school. My eyes grew wide at the mention of all the books that I couldn't possibly wait to read.

    "First year students will require: three sets of plain work robes, one wand..." Harry read from his list and looked up at Hagrid surprised.

    "A very essential bit of equipment, Harry." Hagrid grinned.

    "A pair of Dragon-hide gloves? Hagrid, do they really mean from a real dragon?" I asked surprised.

    "Well, they don't mean from a penguin do they?" He chuckled. "Crikey, I'd love a dragon."

    "You'd like a dragon?" Harry asked with a big smile.

    "Vastly misunderstood beasts. Vastly misunderstood." Hagrid explained.

Once we were off the subway and walking through town, I was looking at all the shop windows and back down at my list.

    "All students must be equipped with... One standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they wish either an owl, a cat, or a toad. Are we even able to find all this in London?" I questioned him and Hagrid grinned down at me.

    "If you know where to go."

He led Harry and I to a small little corner shop, that it seemed to be ignored by everyone else walking along the streets. The sign said, The Leaky Cauldron. We grinned at each other and followed Hagrid through the doorway. The room was all hustle and bustle. Filled with people, talking and laughing. It was very grey and open with a small window of light at the top of the room just past some stairs. All the people in here seemed to be dressed funny. At least we thought so, it was much different then you'd see on the streets of London.

    "Ah, Hagrid!" A man named Tom called out, catching all our attention. "Your usual, I'd presume?"

    "No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business." Hagrid smiled and placed a hand on Harry and I's shoulders. "Just helpin' young Harry an Olivia here, buy their school supplies."

The man looked down at Harry and I and his eyes became wide a saucers. He seemed to be staring into our souls and certainly eyeing our forehead's which was a bit weird. I knew we had identical scars on our heads, we just always assumed they were birthmarks.

    "Bless my soul. It's Harry an Olivia Potter." Tom said breathlessly.

The entire tavern silenced at his words and every head in the room turned our way. I grabbed Harry's hand and he squeezed mine back as all the people came rushing towards us. All the people were grabbing our hands and shaking them, smiling at us, thanking us, and welcoming us. I had no clue as to why so I just politely smiled and nodded in return.

    "Welcome back, Miss Potter, welcome back." One man said and I nodded at him surprised.

    "Doris Crawford, Mr. An Ms. Potter." One lady shook both of our hands at the same time. "I can't believe I'm finally meeting you both at last."

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