The Mysterious Letters

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A week had passed and as promised we had no meals. Uncle Vernon kept asking us both how the incident at the zoo happened and that we were lying. Which only got us punished more. School was starting again soon and as much as we dreaded going to school, at least we'd be away from home. Only, Dudley obviously came with us and as usual, he made sure to bully us there with his friends too.

They all stood in the living room, Harry and I entered, watching emotionless, while Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon looked on so proudly. Dudley stood in the center of the room in his new red school uniform, looking all spiffy. He was posing and smiling widely.

    "Aww, smile!" Aunt Petunia cooed as she lifted the camera. "Oh, Vernon. Would you just look at our boy? I can't believe it. In just a week he'll be off to Smeltings."

    "Caveat Smeltonia. Proudest moment of my life." Uncle Vernon replied proudly.

    "Will I have to wear that, too?" Harry chimed, disgusted.

    "What does mine look like?" I asked with a scrunched up nose.

Both Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon turned to look at Harry and I with incredulous looks.

    "What? You two, go to Smeltings?" Aunt Petunia asked. Harry and I looked at each other and back at them, nodding.

Both our Aunt and Uncle burst out with laughter. Even Dudley chimed in with laughter of his own. She brushed her way past us both into the kitchen.

    "Don't be so stupid. You're both going to the state school, where you belong." Aunt Petunia scoffed. "No, this is what the two of you will be wearing once I'm finished dying it."

She pulled out one gesturing to Harry. It was Dudley's old school uniform which would be three times to big for him. When she pulled out mine it looked shriveled and small as usual in the most ugly grey color.

    "But that's Dudley's old uniform. It'll fit me like bit's of old Elephant's skin." Harry complained.

    "Sarah's from next door will fit me like a shriveled up old raisin!" I whined clearly annoyed.

    "It'll fit you well enough." Aunt Petunia hissed. "Now go fetch the post."

    "Silly old uniforms." I scoffed quietly as Harry and I left the room. We both walked towards the front door and Harry bent down to pick up the post. "One good thing I suppose is at least Dudley won't be going to the same school as us. Maybe we'll be able to make friends." I pointed out.

    "That is true. It's one bright side." Harry smiled brightly. He quickly went through the mail and stopped seeing two oddly colored envelopes. "Liv? Look at this." Harry whispered.

    "What is it?" I whispered back.

Harry handed me one of the letters. I held it in my hands as I looked over it curiously.

Miss. O. Potter
The Cupboard Under The Stairs,
4 Privet Drive,
Little Whinging, Surrey.

The handwriting was so perfect and neat and it was curious how someone knew exactly where Harry and I stayed. We shrugged at one another and walked back into the kitchen with our letters. Harry handed the other mail to Uncle Vernon who sat at the dining room table while Aunt Petunia continued dying our school uniforms.

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