Through The Trapdoor

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Harry and I met on the staircase in the common waiting for our friends. I played with my hands nervously and Harry was quick to notice.

"Liv? What's wrong?" Harry whispered softly, concerned.

"I mean, this has to be done. I know that. I can't say I'm not a bit nervous. Because that would be a lie. But, are we sure we should be involving Hermione and Ron to face Voldemort? He's not after them, he's after us." I pointed out. Harry pondered for a moment and looked towards the ground.

"The thought crossed my mind." Harry agreed. "But if it weren't for them we wouldn't have figured everything out." He pointed out and I quickly agreed. "I am worried to though. I think you're right. We will warn them should anything go wrong to save themselves. They can't get hurt because of us. Agreed?"

"Agreed." I nodded. Harry and I shook our pinky's and pulled away just as our friends came around the corner.

We quickly made our way down to the common room which was quiet except for a small croaking sounds. We looked around to see Trevor, Neville's toad on the edge of on of the common room couches.

"Trevor." Harry and I sighed.

"Trevor, shh! Go, you shouldn't be here!" Ron tried to shoo away the toad to no avail. But to our surprise, Neville was hiding behind the couch and he stood up against the four of us.

"Neither should you. You're sneaking out again, aren't you?"

"Now, Neville, listen." Harry tried to reason with him.

"No! I won't let you!" Neville scolded us nervously. I was impressed that he had finally decided to stand up against someone, only I did wish it wasn't us. "You'll get Gryffindor into trouble again. I-I'll fight you." Neville bravely put his fist in the air like he was about to take the four of us on.

"Neville, I'm really sorry about this." Hermione pulled her wand out from her pocket and pointed it at him. We didn't have time for anymore delays. "Petrificus Totalus."

Neville's body went completely rigid. His arms stuck to his sides and his legs glued together. He fell backwards stiff as a board.

"Oh, Neville." I said apologetically. "That was brilliant, Hermione. Scary... But brilliant." I chuckled.

"Thanks." She grinned and then it faltered. "I do feel bad, but we have to go." 

"Sorry." We all chimed as we walked by Neville's body on the floor.

"It's for your own good, ya know." Ron stated apologetically as he walked by.

The four of us huddled together under the invisibility cloak. It was a tight fight for sure, but we made do. Hermione and I led the way in the front with Harry and Ron behind us.

"Ow!" Hermione hissed. "You stood on my foot."

"Sorry." Ron whispered.

We finally reached the third floor corridor and to the door at the end of it. I held my wand out and pointed it at the door.

"Alohomora." I whispered. The door clicked and unlocked. I pulled the large knob and we all filed inside.

As we walked further inside, Fluffy's head's were laying on the floor, peacefully, with it's eyes closed.

"Wait a minute, he's..." The cloak blew off us as he snored heavily. "Snoring." Harry pointed out. A soft music was playing in the air and a large harp in the corner of the room, bewitched.

"Snape's already been here." Harry guessed.

"He must have bewitched the harp." I noted as we walked forward.

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