Stage 4 lunges cancer

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I am talking to you the reader
April 10 2010
"When I was 2-year-old I was in the ambulance, I saw my mum crying and my dad trying to calm her down. When we arrived at the hospital, The nurse and the Doctors were putting things in me, taking me to different rooms. I do not know why they just did it, yes, I was scared because I did not know what was going on and every time I tried to talk nothing would come out of my mouth. It drove me crazy. After a bit the Doctor came and this is what he said if you read the path saying this I am talking, I am Liam, the one who is reading this story to you anyways let's get back to the story

Ricky is now talking
"Can I talk to the both of you outside please?"

Victoria is now talking
"Why not here?"

Ricky is now talking
"Because the little guys are asleep".

Victoria is now talking

Ricky is now talking
"So, Liam does have stage 4 lung cancer".

Victoria is talking to you guys
"Who does my baby boy does have cancer? like that boy I was looking after before and no he does not have a name. I do not know what to do now".

Victoria is saying this now
"Is that why he could not breathe?"

Ricky is saying

Victoria is now talking to you guys
"I just started to panic but I have to stay strong for who you ask for myself".

Victoria is saying this
"We are not telling him".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Why not I think we should". "I really think we should, but I can't do anything about it, because I am only a Doctor and they are his parents, they can tell me what to say and what not to say and I can't do anything about it even if I want to, but I know that I can't".

Victoria is talking now
"No way doc".

Polo is now talking
"We do not know what will happen if he finds out". "That's why he will not know and if does not know that he does have cancer, then we can take him home with us but if he knows that he does have cancer then something will happen. I hope this will work and no I am not going to tell you what will happen".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking

Ricky is now talking to Victoria
"But are you sure?"

Victoria is now talking to Ricky
"Yes we are sure and you can't change our mind".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying to Victoria
"Ok but you will make a mistake".

Victoria is now talking to Ricky
"What does he mean by'' we will make a mistake but it is our decision not his".

Ricky is now talking to Victoria
"I know it is not mine but we will know what will happen".

Victoria is saying this to Ricky
"I do not know what you are talking about".

Ricky is now talking to Victoria
"Ok if you are sure".

Victoria is saying this to Ricky
"Oh you know that I am sure anyways let's hear what polo is now saying".

Polo is now talking
"So how long does he have left?" Why did I ask him for this? I don't even know why I am not a good dad by saying that am I?"

I am saying this to you the reader
"Sometimes you can't help to think you just need to do it even if you do not want to".

Polo is  talking to you the reader
"This is how I feel and when you feel something you can't take it out of your head till you talk to someone".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking talking
"If we do not know if every one of our patients are different when their time comes then we will know".

Victoria is now talking
"Ok thank you doc".

Polo is now talking this
"Yes thank you Doctor Juergens Underwood".

Victoria is now talking this to you the reader
"I can't believe this is happening to my son".

I am talking to you the reader
"Parents do this a lot, they do not tell you what is going on with you, you just have to fine out for yourself and when those parents find out that their only child has cancer they hide their feelings from you just because that is how they are but no one should do that for a long time".

Liam just find out why his he in the hospital
I am talking
"What happened where am I?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"You are in the hospital".

I am now talking
"How did I get here?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Your parents call the ambulance".

I am now talking
"Ok and who are you?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"My name is Doctor Juergens Underwood and I guess what we gave you work".

I am saying
"Can you tell me why I am in the hospital?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"I think that is not a good idea".

I am now talking
"and why not?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Because of your parents and I am not allow to tell you".

I am saying this
"Please I am scared and I can handle it".

Ricky is saying this
"Are you sure that you can handle it?"

I am saying this
"Yes, I am sure".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying
"Ok, you have stage 4 of lung cancer".

I am saying this
"what does that mean?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"it means do you know how you breathe".

I am now talking
"Yes I breathe from my nose, it is the one that is helping me to breathe".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Not really your lungs are the one that helps you breathe, not your nose but the turret is something wrong with your lungs".

I am the one saying this

I am now talking
"Yes really".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Wow' I have lung cancer and no one told me why you ask? Because that's how people are, you can't do anything about it even if you want to".

I am now talking
"Wait, that's why I am here".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Yes, that is why you are here".

I am talking to you who me Liam talking to you the reader
"And I have to beg my Doctor just to tell me wow mum and dad thank you a lot. I am just thinking this in my head but I can't believe that they did this to me".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying
"I know it is a loss but we are here and we are going to try our best to help you".

I am saying this
"ok thank you Doctor umm".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Underwood Juergens".

I am saying this
"Thank you".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying this
"Anytime I will be back to check up on you ok".

I am saying this
"ok". But wow this is a loss to take in but I know that they are going to help me".

The cancer storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें