It is time to play

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Ava is now talking
"Back to my room so no one thinks that I know where you are".

I am now talking

Eve is now talking
"Hey everyone, it is time to play if we can find them or not".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"We have to do it to find him".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok I am in".

I am now talking
This was before the game started. "Can we do it Ava Mum".

Eve is now talking
"Well, we have too so yeah, we can".

I am now talking
"So, where are you going to put me?"

Ava is now talking

I am now talking
"Where are we?"

Ava is now talking
"We are in the hospital garden".

Eve is now talking
Back to now "Have fun because your time starts now". And yes, they all know how to play

I am now talking
Now the game started "Hey I have to tell you something".

Ava is now talking
"Ok what is it Liam".

I am now talking
"I do have a mum and a dad".

Ava is now talking
"Oh, I am so sorry that you do not have a mum and dad but I have to go".

2 people are getting in trouble
Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"And where do you think that you are going misty".

Ava is now talking
"Oh, back to my room".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Oh, I do not think so, where is he?"

Ava is now talking
"I do not know".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Now Ava".

Ava is now talking
"Fine I do know where he is".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Then tell me now Ava".

Ava is now talking
"Umm no I do not think that I should tell you".

Doctor Juergns Underwood is now talking
"Ok then you are staying with me in till I find him oh, look who I found".

I am now talking
"Oh, hi Doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"And where do you think that you are going".

I am now talking
"You have to chase me".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Oh no you are not the both are coming with me right now".

'Fine". We both said

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"How dare the both of you am trying to do my job over and you want to play".

Ava is now talking
"I am sorry Doctor Juergens Underwood".

I am now talking
"No, I am sorry".

Ava is now talking
"No, I am, I should have gone faster back to my room".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"I found them".

Eve is now talking
"I am so sorry Ricky but they want to do this".

Ricky is now talking
"I know that they do Eve but you have to try and stop them".

Eve is now talking
"You know I can not".

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