They were drawing in till something happend

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Amy is now talking
"So do you really like you draw".

I am now talking
"Yes, I love to draw, how about you do you like to draw?"

Amy is now talking
"Yes, I like to draw, it is so much fun".

I am now talking
"Oh, I know it is fun, can we please draw now?"

Talking to Liam about what foes he want to be when he growns up And looking at his drawing

Amy is now talking
"Yes, we can ask Liam what your dream will be when you grow up".

I am now talking
"Well, I really like drawing and I love to draw comic books and I would really love to sell them to people to see what they think".

Amy is now talking
"I really like that and I think that you can do it. Can I see your drawing please?"

I am now talking
"Umm sure but I can't move".

Amy is now talking
"Oh, right I forgot about that sorry".

I am now talking
"Don't be sorry it is ok".

Amy is now talking
"How about I get it for you and you just tell me where it is, how about that".

I am now talking
"Ok there is a big bag and it is under the bed and it says Liam cartoon book".

Amy is now talking
"This is it".

I am now talking
"Yeah, it is so what do you think?"

Amy is now talking
"Wow these are really good and they are so nice Liam you did a good job".

I am now talking
"Thank you".

Amy is now talking
"So do you want to publish it".

I am now talking
"What is published?"

Amy is now talking
"You know how you tell me that you want people to see your comics books".

I am now talking

Amy is now talking
"Like that it helps you to sell it so people can see it".

I am now talking
"Oh, ok I will love that".

Amy is now talking
"I know you will".

I am now talking
"So, tell me Amy what is your dream".

Amy is now talking
"To have my own magazine company".

I am now talking
"That will be nice".

Amy is now talking
"Yes, it would be nice".

What is happening to Liam?

I am now talking

Amy is now talking
"Yes Liam".

I am now talking
"What is happening to me?"

Amy is now talking
"What do you mean? look at me Liam". Oh no it is a seizure "Nurse Hunter".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"What is wrong?"

Amy is now talking
"I do not know but I think Liam is having a seizure. Please help him".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Don't worry we will page Doctor Juergens Underwood asap".

Amy is now talking
"Do you know why whis is happening to him?"

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"No, I do not know but it can come from anywhere".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
Why "I am so sorry but I have to go I will be back as fast as I can I am so sorry".

One of his patient mum is now talking
"Don't be we can do the surgery for my daughter when you come back".

This is how Amy and Ricky anniversary went

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Ok thank you so much for what is going on here".

Nurse Hunter is now
"We have a 915".

Amy is now talking

Ricky is now talking
"Amy, not now please wait outside".

Amy is now talking
"But Ricky".

Ricky is now talking
"Can you please take her out of here? We need everyone all hands-on deck".

Amy is now talking

One of The nurse is now talking
"I am sorry but you have to come with me".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok". He had it bad "I need an needle now".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"But we do not have it".

Rick is now talking
"What do you mean by we do not have it? But if we do not have it then he can die right here".

Nurse Hunter is now
"I know but we need someone to go to the chemist to wait, your wife can go and ask them to give it to her".

Ricky is now talking
"Yes, we can but they will not give it to her unless she has a Doctor's notes".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Well, what are you waiting for?"

Ricky is now talking
"What do you mean oh right I am the Doctor?"

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Yes, you are one, what are you still doing here".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok I am going Amy came with me".

Amy is now talking
"Ok why".

Ricky is now talking
"Because we need you to go and get the seizure needles".

Amy is now talking
"But they will not let me have the boxes if I do not have a Doctor note why can't anyone else go".

Ricky is now talking
"Because we are all in here trying to keep Liam alive and still but if he does not have it soon then he can die. Do you want that to happen? ''

Amy is now talking
"No, I do not".

Ricky is now talking
"Then please do this for me and for him".

Amy is now talking
"Ok I will see how many boxes".

Ricky is now talking
"3 boxes and here is your Doctor's note now go".

Amy is now talking
"Wait are you giving me the note oh right".

Amy is telling you this the reader
"If you want to know why me and Ricky are like this, forgetting everything is because we are in shock".

Ricky is now talking
"Yeah here you go now please go".

Amy is now talking
"Ok I am going".

Ricky is now talking
"Come back as fast as you can".

Amy is now talking
"Oh, you know I will help all of you who are helping Liam".

Ricky is now talking
"Yeah, Amy, that is my wife".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Yes, we know now, come back and help us".

Ricky is now talking
"Ok I am coming". He sound like Amy when she is trying to make me go somewhere

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