Something is happening to nurse Huntet

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I am now talking to you the reader
"Now I am done doing some art and now I want to ride some bikes. I got on the bike and I saw Nurse Hunter. He looks tired". "Do you want me to stop?"

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Yes, please".

I am now talking
"Are you ok".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"No, I am not".

I am now talking
"Do you want me to get you some water?"

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Yes please".

I am now talking
"So, I went to get him some water but something did not feel right. Something bad will happen and I am not going to let nothing happen and I know what I need to do and I know that Nurse Hunter will be mad at me for doing this but I need to do this. "Doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking

I am now talking
"You need to come with me please".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Ok I am coming".

I am now talking
"Thank you". When he sees him.

Doctor Juergens Underwood is saying
"I have a 211. I need all The nurses and Doctors here asap kids go back to your rooms now can you guys take Nurse Hunter to have an x ray please? I will be right back. I went to Liam's room because I need to find out what just happened".

I am now talking
"Am I in trouble?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
No, you are not how did you know that something was going to happened to Nurse Hunter

I am now talking
Well, I remember one time he was telling me that when he run a lost something will happened to him and that when he just fainted but it is more, and we were riding bikes do you think that he will be mad at me because I tell you?"

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"No, I do not think that".

I am now talking
"Why not".

Doctor Juergen Underwood is now talking
"Because you save his life Liam, I will let him know that you save his life".

I am now talking
"Thank you Doctor Juergens Underwood when are you done doing your Doctors thing can I go and see him".

Doctor Juergen Underwood is now talking
"Yes, you can". Just then I came up with an idea. I went to the playroom and I tell everyone our Doctors and nurses all ways do nice things for us take care of us so why not we make them something to tell them thank you "are you guys all in".

I am now talking
"Yes". They all said so we did everyone made something nice for their Doctors and their nurses and it was so much fun we put on music and had a dance party just then Doctor Juergens Underwood came.

Doctor Juergenes Underwood is now talking

I am now talking

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Are ready to see him".

I am now talking
"Yes, I am".

Doctor Juergens Underwood is now talking
"Then let go". So we went I was scared to see him because I thought that he will be mad at me I told everyone that we should put what we made for them in their desk so they can see it so they can see tomorrow but no they want to give it to them today when we see them.

I am now talking
"Doctor Juergens Underwood".

Doctor Juergen Underwood is now talking

I am now talking
"Here you go".

Doctor Juergen Underwood is now talking
"What is this".

I am now talking
"Have a look". I draw him a picture of him as a cartoon and this is what I put thank you Doctor Juergens Underwood for being the best Doctor that you can be and you take of us like we are one of your kids and thank you for telling me that I does have cancer and I know that you might be in trouble but you still tell me anyways so, thank you for all of that you do for us he gave me a huge.

Doctor Juegens Underwood is now talking
"You are very welcome, are you ready to see him?"

I am now talking
"More than ready".

knock knock

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Come in I know you are you the one who tell them about what I told you".

I am now talking
"Yes, I did I am so sorry".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"I know that you are".

I am now talking
"But you need them or something will happen to you and it almost did".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"I know you did it so you can save me so thank you".

I am now talking
"Your welcome".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"But you should not worry about me it is my job so worry about you".

I am now talking
"I will try my best so when do you go back to work".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Maybe tomorrow but you were right I should have told people about this before this happened".

I am now talking
"Yes, you should have". So, me and Nurse Hunter talked for a bit in till I had to go back to my room for some reason and the bag was not done yet so why do I have to go back to my room? "Nurse Hunter, can you tell me why I have to go back to my room? I am so nervous".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Hey don't be nervous, it is nothing bad".

I am now talking
"Ok oh and here you go I forgot to give this to you before".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"What is it?"

I am now talking
"Well, you have to find out". I draw him a picture of me and him and no it is not a cartoon I only draw Doctor Juergens Underwood a cartoon because he tells me that he like to watch cartoon so yeah but I did tell him the same thing that I tell Doctor Juergens Underwood but I did not put the path about him telling me that he had to tell me about me having cancer and about him being a good Doctor because he is not a Doctor

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