It is time for the family to have some fun

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I am now talking
"At 1 am on the 16 of April 2010".

Ricky is now talking
"I went to my car in till I saw Hunter waiting for the bus hey do you want a ride".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"No, I am good".

Ricky is now talking
"Oh, come on".

Nurse Hunter is now talking
"Fine, I am good".

Ricky is now talking to you the reader
"So, I took Hunter home, I got a dress to put in my pjs and I went to bed".

John is now talking
"Mum dad have been sleeping for a long time".

Amy is now talking
"I know John but that is because he was working in the night who want to go to the pool".

"Us". All of the kids are now talking

Amy is now talking
"Then go and put on your swimming clothes and let go after we put on our swimming clothes".

Ricky is now talking
"Did anyone have lunch yet".

Amy is now talking
"No, we were waiting for you".

Ricky is now talking
"Then let's have it now".

Ricky is now talking
"By the time we get ready for the pool then we went to pool "Ok kids who is ready to have fun". After the play for a bit at the pool".

Amy is now talking
"Kids who are hungry".

It is bbq time
"Us". we are all saying then let go KFC we got KFC we ordered the food and give them to the kids we stop to eat and now we went back home to have a shower and then go Grace's house for a BBQ.

Amy is now shouting

Grace is now shouting

"Ah". We both said

Amy is now talking
"Look at you".

Grace is now talking
"No look at you".

Amy is now talking
"Oh, hi Jack I am sorry I did not see you there".

Jack is now talking
"That is ok and hey Amy".

Amy is now talking
"So, I owe them both a huge thank you so much for doing this".

Grace is now talking
Anytime do you think Adrian will come

Amy is now talking
I do not know

Adrian is now talking
Hey guys

Amy is now talking
Hey Adrian we have something to tell you

Adrian is now talking
Ok and what is it?

"We are both pregnant". We both said together at the same time

Adrian is now talking
No way

"Yes, way". we both said at the same time

Grace is now talking
"So did you find a new house yet".

Adrian is now talking
"No, we did not yet but we think they are both going to get one tomorrow".

"Really". We both said

Adrian is now talking
"Yes, why do you guys think no".

Amy is now talking
"I do not know Adrian if me and Ricky will be lifting in our home town we are just staying here in till the 20".

Adrian is now talking
"Yeah, but that is you Amy but not me".

Amy is now talking
"Ok but I do not mind and I was just saying".

Adrian is now talking
"Then don't say anything".

Amy is now talking
"Ok I am sorry".

Adrian is now talking
"Yeah, you should".

Grace is now talking
"Guys, please stop fighting".

Adrian is now talking

Grace is now talking
"Thank you". After that we talk and ate but now it is time to play the kids and watch the movies the kids did not want to go home and also Adrian kids did not wanted to go home so we all have a sleepover.

Adrian is now talking to you the reader
"On the 17 of April 2010 there is 3 more days left in till Liam have to get out of the hospital and we have not found any orphanage home for him yet and if me and Ricky have not found him a house, yet and we have to tell the judge tomorrow luck Ricky do not have to go to work today so we have time just to find a house, I hope we find one soon because we need it Ricky tells me about a house but we have to see it yet if it is good or not but I am upset why because I do have to work and Omar does not have work and that is a good, why because I need time go just to find a house and Omar will with me so that is good thing I talk to Ricky yesterday about this and he want go spend time with his family and I get it the only reasons why did they come back to their hometown was because of their friends call them telling them that they think,something will happen to their son and it did happen like how I am talking about Ricky about it so we said that we are going to a restaurant with my husband and his wife and to find a house for Liam because Amy and Omar know who is Liam is and they want go with us so we said why not we let them come with us so I look up some other orphanages house and I went before coming here and I think this is the best place for him to go and to meet some people as him who does have cancer as
well, there is no other one that we like so why not we should give them a call and see if they have a spot for him. "Hello this is a cancer orphanage house".

The lady at the cancer orphanage house is now talking
"Yes, it how can I help you".

Adrian is now talking
"Well, we have a little boy who as stage 4 of lung cancer and we need a place for him to life so you guys have a spot for him".

The lady at the cancer orphanage house is now talking
"Yes, we do but you must do the paperwork for him".

Adrian is now talking
"Ok so what else do you need?"

The lady at the cancer orphanage house is now talking
"Well, we need a note from the judge saying that
He does need a house, we also his Doctor note and his medical report oh and one more thing we need his family lawyer notes from the case".

Adrian is now talking
"Ok so you guys do have a spot for us to come".

The lady at the cancer orphanage house is now talking
"Yes, we do make sure you have everything with you
how is 20 minutes".

Adrian is now talking
"That is good with us".

The lady at the cancer orphanage house is now talking
"Ok see you in 20 minutes".

Adrian is now talking
"Ok see you". After talking we had our food and drinks and now it is time to go and see what this house is. Let's see what we think of the house. "Hi, I think that we will talk on the phone about the boy who has stage 4 of lung cancer".

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