My parents are not my parents anymore

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Victoria is saying this
"Hey honey".

I am saying this
"Hi mum, where is dad?"

Victoria is saying this
"Oh, he is getting us food" more like we are trying not to tell you". "Are you ok?"

I am saying this
"Yes, mum I am ok she always asks me that and I love it".

Polo is saying this
"Hey guys"

I am saying this
"Dad". "You can tell I am a daddy boy".

Polo is saying this
"Hey little man".

I am telling you guys this
"After we ate".

Now Liam is asking his parents if he does have. cancer

I am saying this
"Mum dad I have to tell you guys something".

Victoria is saying this
"Ok what is it?"

Victoria is telling you guys this
"Please don't ask us why you are in the hospital, do they?"

Polo is talking to you the reader
"Why am I bedding my own son not to tell us that here cancer?"

I am saying this
"Do I have cancer?"

Victoria is saying this
"No, you do not who tell you that".

Polo is saying this to you the reader
"And he asked us why did you ask us Liam".

I am saying this
"Doctor Juergens Underwood , that is his name right?"

It is time for Liam parents to go if he let them

Victoria is saying this
"Yes, it is and he tells you after I ask him not to tell you oh, I am going to go and talk to him".

I am now talking
"You can tell that my mum is mad at Doctor Juergens Underwood but I am the one who told him and I do not know why she is mad at him? you ask and now you know".

I am saying this
"No, you are not mum".

Victoria is saying this
"And why not?"

Victoria is saying this to you guys
"I am still mad".

I am saying this
"Because this is my body not yours and you can't keep on telling me things that I need to know it is not yours or dad body it is mine I am trying to make my parents understand me".

Victoria is saying this
"And we know that so that's why we are not your parents anymore".

I am talking
"What are you talking about?"

Victoria is now talking
"We are sorry Liam".

I am talking now to you the reader
"My mum looks sad when she tells me".

Victoria is now talking this is where you have a break
"We made this plan. If Liam was going to tell us that he does have cancer then we were going to leave him here at the hospital, but if he did not tell us then we were going to take him home with us but he asked us. So we are going. I am so sorry for my baby boy".

I am talking to you guys
"And they did not understand me at all, I guess that did not work out".

I am now talking
"And why not did I do something bad?" I am trying to understand without trying to get mad but oh boy am I mad".

Victoria is saying this
"It's not you, it is us".

I am talking to you guys
"They tried to tell me but that did not work".

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